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Forearm (Bone) Pain When Doing Curls???

Posts: 7
Joined: 2005/07/19
United States
2006/01/14, 12:08 PM
When I am finished with a set of curls I have a dull pain in my forearm just below my elbow. It feels like the bone itself hurts, the forearm mussels and tendons feel fine before and after it actually feels like there is some type of bone spur. I have never injured this arm. Could it be too much weight?
I have seen guys wearing a 2.5 inch wide strap around their forearm just below the elbow. What is that normally used for?

Thanks in advance,

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United States
2006/01/14, 12:10 PM
"Muscle" sorry
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United States
2006/01/27, 08:52 PM
i actually get the same soreness when doing heavy curls......i usually just overlook it, but this time ive had it for like 3 days. like you said it feels like the bone, not the muscle, i hope someone knows what causes this or how to prevent!!!
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2006/01/31, 03:36 PM
i was wondering if it was something like shin splints where if i wrapped my arm tightly down further than my wrist braces go if that would help??
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2006/02/02, 05:33 PM
i talked to a doctor about this today and he said that it is my tendon......he said to focus on keeping your wrists parallel with your arm and to reduce my weight by about 20% while keeping my reps the same until the pain goes away and then i should be able to start going back up.....hope this helps you as well as me jayhill
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2006/02/03, 12:52 AM
wow, i was just about to post this same pain...I was trying to figure out how to explain it...then i saw this...this site is frickin awsome!!
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2006/02/03, 12:28 PM
the band you see is for that exactly....for tendonitis (tennis elbow)
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2006/02/04, 12:48 PM
WOW...must be something in the water. I have the same problem over the last week. Even lifting my water bottle straight up like Hammer curls hurt.
2006/02/06, 10:39 AM
What do you usually do for bicep workouts? how often?

Sounds like are either not warming up properly, using too much weight/volume, training your arms too often, or are using incorrect form.....

I would take 2 weeks off...I would put some menthol/camphor on the area and wrap it semi tight.....

The bands are for compression which helps alleviate pain...

Hope you all remember that biceps are small muscles....I have stopped doing just about all bicep work...with a couple sets here and there....and haven't lost any size or strength....the basic compound exercises work biceps plenty hard...
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2006/02/06, 01:54 PM
Ironically I did mine doing compound work...during Power Cleans. Last week my left hand slipped and I nearly dropped it (caught it after it dropped about an inch) and I think that's when it kind of wrenched my right forearm. Didn't hurt immediately but started getting sore through the day. As of this morning I didn't have any pain or discomfort, so I tried them again and it's hurting more then it was last week, so I'm going to take some time off and just get my cardio in the next 2 weeks and see if it doesn't heal.
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2006/02/06, 02:01 PM
i only work my biceps once a week and i do 3 different exercises with 3 sets of each, 6-8 reps. i am going to take a little while off of biceps til the pain goes away and then take it from there
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2006/02/07, 03:27 PM
I wrapped mine last night in an ace bandage and sat on the couch for the evening after taking a hydrocodone (it was hurting pretty bad). Then unwrapped it before I went to sleep cause I couldn't sleep with it on there. Then woke up this morning and it felt 10 times better. Still a little sore, but functional at least.
2006/02/08, 08:16 AM
Glad to hear it sstump....

I think if the weight gets away from you during olympic lifts, and you can drop it safely then I think that's the best case....trying to readjust midlift is a generally bad idea....

Nyx keep in mind that when you're doing row movements as well as chin ups/pull ups your biceps are working pretty hard, especially at the top...sternum chin ups are killer...You might also change up the reps....also are you warming up properly?....taking 2 weeks off might be a good idea...and I suggest you apply heat and compression to the area during this time to speed up the healing...
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2006/02/09, 02:53 PM
I also picked up one of those icyhot sleeves last night and it worked well...stunk but seems to have eased some of the discomfort today. Still laying off my weights for 2 weeks to make sure regardless...and my wife's out of town next week so I pretty much had a break planned for then anyways.
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United States
2006/02/24, 09:10 PM
I have the same problem in my left elbow. I was told it was probably similiar to (tennis elbow). Besides not working out you might try putting a wrap just below your elbow or massage the forearm just below the elbow or try some Advil before you workout and ice your elbow after your done. Worst case, you might need a cortizone shot or surgery if you continue to workout without doing anything.
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2006/03/05, 06:41 AM
i have actually recently decided to completely quit doing biceps for a long time........i took 3 wks off from workin them and the first day i came back (goin extremely light) my forearm killed me. i am gonna go with menace's advice for a while and trust on pullups, bench press, dips, and a few back exercises to work them. the pain and chance of further injury is not worth it to me. my doctor's advice didnt do anything for me........ill let you guys know if i figure out anything
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2008/03/31, 02:23 AM
I have the same problem. Have had it for a while. As soon as I am done doing curls, I have to release barbells real slow and I get a whincing pain in both forearms on pinky side, bone pain. Anyway, I tried doing curls keeping my wrists absolutely straight, apparently I had been curling them at the end of my curls. It works! I did my curls with almost no pain and releasing the dumbbells after didn't kill me. Try it.
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United Kingdom
2009/12/15, 02:31 AM
I think its too late to reply to this topic. But i just started experiencing the problem aswell.
Problem stems from doing bicep curls (mine started from the EZ bar curls) n its well sharp in my right (Strong) arm compared to the left( the weaker arm).
Palm facing up, the pains in the left side of my right forearm (in other words the "pinky side") n exactly half way down my forearm inside the bone. Its not a muscle pain i know that for definite (It hurts when i press into the bone with fingers from different angles)
i had this problem a year ago, and i quit gym coz of other priorities, n when i went back a couple of months ago, i totally forgot about this. bt then i started getting stronger n started curling heavier weights for my biceps and since last week i hv started getting the pains again.
I came home, n found a set of hand grips, so started doin non stop crunches of that. did tht for a couple of days and my forearms pumped up really huge, my grip got way too strong, bt a day later the pain spread to my wrist n now i cnt even do a single press up. So im planning to give it a 2 day rest, then go bk to the gym n stay off bicep curls till the pain heals, then try keepin my posture right n try again. Meanwhile if anyone has a better solution, or knows what exactly causes the problem, please sign up n post a reply. Thanks
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2011/01/13, 07:24 PM
Pretty old thread, but did anyone figure out how to fix this?
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2011/03/09, 02:17 PM

Quoting from clarkddavis:

Pretty old thread, but did anyone figure out how to fix this?

From a combination of experimenting and doing research online, I have determined that this stems from using the 'zigzag' curl bars to do curls (the ones that let you position your hands and work either forearm or bicep more). Using a bar that is parallel with the floor should alleviate the problem. Have you been using this type of equipment too?