2001/06/13, 08:23 PM
Is it a bad idea to workout forearms just about everyday? It seems like forearms and abs could be worked everyday and improve other workouts since they are used so much. Can anyone enlighten????
2001/06/14, 12:57 AM
Hi merlinhog, from what I've read in books and magazines you have to look at abs and forearms just as you would any other muscle. They need rest just as all the rest of your body. Your forearms get a lot of extra work just from other exercises and the weights they support.Once or twice a week should be plenty.
2001/06/14, 03:43 AM
keith's right. You don't work your biceps everyday with 50 rep sets do you? Then why would you do that for your abs?
2001/06/14, 05:55 AM
abs are different...they can withstand the stress and need less recovery time. I think training them every other day is just fine. For forearms, training them once a week with the biceps sounds just right.
2001/06/14, 05:10 PM
I think forearms are like the abs in structure, the are dense and need alot of stimulation in order to grow. you don't workout everyday do you? so training your forearms everyday means on the 3' 4 or 5 days you workout only and not 24\7. Amr
2001/06/14, 08:45 PM
So like 4 days a week wouldn't be bad. Seems like biceps too. It is difficult to get those biceps sore to feel like they have really been worked. Does anyone else have that problem?
2001/06/15, 08:02 AM
Same here..I do 3 different variations of curls on my bicep workout with 5-6 sets..I still feel it doesn't make them sore enough to grow..But I try my best Amr
2001/06/16, 12:03 PM
I just started a new program for my arms, so they're still sore adapting to that. It just mixes different exercises with tempo's like 422 which are bound to make me sore the next day.