I recently read a book on super high intensity weight training and it was great. i got new routines that require multiple supersets or jumping from one exercise to the next without any rest. my new program cinsists of an (A)workout and a (B) workout. the a is the following:
Advanced arm cycle: Standing ez bar curl (stage reps) Pull down (super slow) tri ext (stage reps)
hip sled squats calf raise
Workout B: Bench dmbell curls Advanced shoulder cycle: Lat raise (stage reps) Lat pull behind neck press (Stage reps)
Advanced lat cycle: Dumbell pull over (Negative only) behind neck pull down (1 1/4 system)
squat abs leg extention leg curl
remember to do the advanced cycles with no rest in between. if you dont no the advanced techniques Such as stage reps and 1 1/4 system the i suggest you buy the book super high intensity body building. only do the advanced cycles for one month otherwise you will overtrain your muscles and you wont see any gaines. this program really will get you big and rugged.