2001/10/12, 11:33 AM
i have been doing the mass program for 3 weeks now and i have been trying to intake the right amount of protien carbs and fat but have noticed i have increased quite largely in body fat do you think i should work out harder not eat as many calories to help decrease body fat and increase muscle or restart the program rethinking the answers to the questions or does anybody else have any suggestions. cheers gelson
2001/10/16, 07:00 PM
Let me try to help you , ive been trainning for about 8-9 months now so I know a bit.
1-If your not doing any cardio then you should. Like biking 1 hour 3-5 times a week , jogging , whatever.... If i dont do my biking 3-5 times a week, I also will get fat , even tho i got fast metabolism. Prolly cause we need to eat sooooOo much :) BTW: I heard doing cardio first thing after you get up in morning is the best time of day to burn that unwanted fat.(never tried it)
2- Some will say not to eat carbs after 7-8 PM, cause if you do, those carbs wont be used for anything while sleeping so they can/will turn into fat.
3- And recheck your diet I suppose.
Hope this helps
Keep pumping Dan
2001/10/17, 05:59 PM
I totally agree with what bombx advised...cardio is very important. I do it first thing in the morning...I also heard it's the best time...and starts your day off just right, too.
I also keep away form carbs after about 7...it's tough...but I feel and sleep better.
Good Luck!
2001/10/17, 07:03 PM
Work harder, maybe do some cardio along with it. Lift hard!!
2001/10/18, 07:52 AM
Have you had your body fat tested? Make sure it's really fat...also if you do add cardio to your workout (and don't want to go to the gym twice) add it AFTER your lifting and not before. You also might want to consider what your goals are...I usually do a few weeks to gain mass...then a few weeks to lean up...find it hard to concentrate on both at the same time. GOOD LUCK
2001/10/19, 06:23 PM
thanks a lot guys and gals il try that!!! gelson