2005/04/29, 01:28 PM
Hello Everyone! I was just wondering about how I could help my mother stay in shape. She would be considered a beginner even though, in the past she was very athletic. In 1989 she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis while my sister wasn't even born yet and I was very young, so she went right from pregnancy to a wheel chair for a year. As she puts it, "everything went downhill from there." She has fought very well and has been out of her wheelchair ever since then, but now she has encountered a new battle, Hepatitis C. Now, for the hepatitis, she needs be on chemotherapy, which she just started 3 days ago. Our family now, more than ever realizes the need to help her become as fit as she can be to better help her combat this new hurdle.But, due to the Multiple Sclerosis and a previous C7 disk surgery, she has very limited mobility in her neck and spine. She also had knee surgery a few years back. Her nutrition is amazing. She is doing great mostly because of her nutrition, walking and positive attitude. We were just wondering if anyone knew of any excercises that would help her lose a little weight, gain strength, hopefully get a little tone and flexibility?
Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
2005/04/29, 08:06 PM
I have a number of friends and aquaintances fighting MS so please extend my best to your mom. From what I've observed she should be able to do regular exercises with light weigths within her flexibility range.
Bicep curls, bench press - even soup cans provide resistance if she wants to do some exercise at home. Her main focus should be of maintaining solid form and focus on the muscles that are working. She should be able to establish a comfort level and work from there. With back injury and MS complications stability ball exercises without weights would probably be to her benefit. It's hard to guess not knowing her flexibility limitations. You mention "very limited mobility in her neck and spine" so the stability ball may be out, but there shouldn't be anything stopping her from experimenting with various movements and exercises to find out what works for her. Aim for exercises with supportive benches and exercises that don't put any stress on the neck.
Just my 2-bits. I don't know if that helps at all... A good place to start would really be her doctor. The doctor would know you mother very well and would be able to make suggestions. Maybe even a referal to a physiotherapist for some recommended exercise.
2005/04/29, 11:40 PM
Thank you Erika! I read this to my mom and she told me to thank you so very much! We will try the stability ball exercises first and then move to light weights when she shows she can handle it. She has consulted her doctor many times and he helps a lot but not really in the fitness area. He referred her to a couple places for physical therapy but it gets so expensive after awhile and doesn't seem to help as much as it should. We will try the exercise ball though. They never made her use one of those in physical therapy! Thank you so much!
2006/03/21, 07:06 PM
i don't want to be butting in anywhere but i think that stability ball is a great idea for anyone fighting multiple sclerosis. i am 22 and was diagnosed and have been useing a stability ball for stretching my back muscles and working out my legs sometimes. if your mom still has any mobility in her back .... i know how that is, what i do when my back cramps, get the ball out and try without hurting anyone to lay across it on your back, then gently roll yourself back and forth it works great to realign those stubborn bones and also doubles as a cheep back message. good luck and i hope your mom feels better i know that pain, it's no joke.