2006/08/21, 10:52 PM
Does anyone have a good workout program that isn't gona bulk me up so I can't swing as freely as i do now. I'm just looking to cutt some fat and build up some muscle to replace it.
2006/08/21, 11:15 PM
try to do more cardio. cardio burns fat, and helps make long lean muscles.. its not intended to bulk you up.
2006/08/22, 06:59 AM
Whether you become 'bulky', 'muscular', etc....is a factor of DIET/NUTRITION....
Cardio will do nothing but improve your conditioning....
I suggest doing total body routine with undulating periodization....focusing on big movements to strengthen your whole body....
My friend added a good 50-60 yards to his drive after 3 years of training heavy.....he in fact resisted training the way I do(with mostly compound movements and 1-5 reps) and prefered heavy bodybuilding style workouts(ton of exercises/volume 6-12 reps).....although short on time he has switched to similar workouts I do....anywayz he now consistantly carries the ball over 300 yards in san francisco(has hit 330-340 with roll)....where whether is foggy/cold/low elevation etc....you have him shoot in high elevation with 90 degree whether and you can imagine what distance he can carry the ball more...
How was he able to do it? well after long months of persuation he finally started to squat and then deadlift.....and no walking around golf course doesnt work your legs the way lifting weights does....
so start doing freeweight
Deadlifts/Hack Squats
Overhead Presses
Bench Press
Chin Ups/Pull Ups
Good Mornings
Step Ups
Russian Twists
Leg Raises
Side Bends
on sidenote: check out gripboard.com to learn how to also train your wrists/grip to improve with golf...
If you're afraid losing flexibility....then simply train it as you would with anything else...take yoga or do specific flexibility exercises....some of the biggest most powerful individuals(olympic powerlifters) are also very flexible people...
Dont buy into the myths...lifting doesnt make you bulky or make you lose flexibility....that's garbage....what it will do for you is explode your performance on the golf course...
2006/08/22, 07:03 AM
olympic lifters*
2006/08/22, 08:48 AM
Totally agree with menace:big_smile: It certainly has improved my game! And as he says, include some kind of flexibility training with your workouts.
-------------- Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.