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Joined: 2002/05/23 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 12:06 PM
Have you ever felt like a woman was following you around in the gym? Here's the deal. And no, I am not trying to sound conceded. Just courious. I usually go to the gym the same time mon., tues., thurs., fri. There are a few women lately, that I have noticed that seem to just be there. If I am doing chest and arms, although I may have noticed they are doing legs or back, then all of a sudden they are right there on the chest machine next to me or grabbing a dumbell and sitting on the bench or chair right next to me. We make eye contact and nothing. No words just eyes. What is that? Why don't the just say something? Or are they waiting for me to say something? I know my gym may be one of the more "meat market" gyms in town, but I am married to a beautiful wife and have to beautiful children. Would never do anything to jeopardize my marriage. I just don't know what the deal is. Should I be the one to say hi, or just leave it alone. Yesterday I swear it was just to obvious. I was doing curls and she came along right in front of me to do curls. Just watching and staring. After that I finished with abs and she was right there. Doing abs laying right next to me. And the kicker was when I was coming out of the locker room to leave, there she was. Waiting, right next to the drinking fountain. But just didn't say a word. Just wierd!
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2004/05/27, 12:16 PM
Man do I ever know what you mean. At our boat dock last summer, several times, several different women wakled by and just smiled at me. I smiled back, spoke and they moved on. Well after this happened a few times I told my wife. She gave me that loving look only a wife can give and said "honey the first time I saw you I laughed out loud."
-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2002/05/23 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 12:17 PM
============ Quoting from charlie826: "honey the first time I saw you I laughed out loud." ============= |
Joined: 2003/09/19 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 01:33 PM
enj-I've had the same problem in college....Each morning after my comp class I would go into the arts and science lobby and sit and do my homework well normally noone is ever their and this girl walked passed me a few times I caught her looking at me once and a few days ago she just walked back turned back around and sat down next to me and acted like she was studying...Everytime I would sigh (reading psychology bores me) she would look up and look at me (I looked out of the corner of my eye)...I was flattered....Im dating seriously w/ a girl but the attention is nice no doubt about it lol.....Just say hello and keep it small talk if you must.
Joined: 2003/09/19 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 01:33 PM
enj-I've had the same problem in college....Each morning after my comp class I would go into the arts and science lobby and sit and do my homework well normally noone is ever their and this girl walked passed me a few times I caught her looking at me once and a few days ago she just walked back turned back around and sat down next to me and acted like she was studying...Everytime I would sigh (reading psychology bores me) she would look up and look at me (I looked out of the corner of my eye)...I was flattered....Im dating seriously w/ a girl but the attention is nice no doubt about it lol.....Just say hello and keep it small talk if you must.
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 02:22 PM
I have the same problem whenever I go into the local wal mart. One of the chicks that works there follows me around hawking me. I go to they toy aisle, she is there. I go to hardware, she is lurking. I go to electronics, I can see her peeking through the shelves at me. She never speaks to me but she stares, and I can always hear her on her radio saying "I don't think he can see me, if he is stealing I am on his ass". I am always puzzled when I leave that place. Seriously dude get a grip. I would ask her what the deal is.-------------- Would it be classified as overly competitive if I refused to let a 4 year old beat me at chutes and ladders? |
Joined: 2002/05/23 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 02:58 PM
I just don't understand the eye batting and all that crazy sh__! I would love to just say hi. But I am at the gym to lift, not meet women. Those days were over along time ago. I just think if she is interested, then just say HI! Why play games and try to be all mysterious and acting like your twelve in middle school. We are all adults and I think if your interested in someone then just say something. I wouldn't mind a nice looking workout partner.
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 03:12 PM
Dude you are contradicting the hell out of yourself. You want her to say hello to you, but you cannot say hello to her because you are married? You are at the gym to lift not meet women, but you would love to have a nice looking workout partner? -------------- Would it be classified as overly competitive if I refused to let a 4 year old beat me at chutes and ladders? |
2004/05/27, 03:16 PM
Whatever you do , don't tel Crystalbelle-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/06/27 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 03:28 PM
Oh Charlie that was bad!!! At least if you are going to burn me spell my name right. :(
Joined: 2002/05/23 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 03:30 PM
Yea it would be nice to have a nice looking workout partner. Just wondering if anyone has ever been through the same experiance. Some people like to play little games, which is cool. It's fun, like golden said, it is flattering. Nice to know someone is watching me workout. I am not trying to make it an issue I was just wondering what it is about women in the gym that seem to be interested in you but just wont attempt to start a conversation with you. You know.
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 03:31 PM
Sounds to me like she is spraying on you like a cat. Probably too shy to come right out and tell you. In her mind I am sure that she is thinking there is something wrong with you for not coming after her after all the signs she is giving you. If I were you I would approach her and ask her what her deal is.-------------- Would it be classified as overly competitive if I refused to let a 4 year old beat me at chutes and ladders? |
2004/05/27, 03:36 PM
I'm sorry CristalBelle. I promise for future buzzkills to always spell the victims name right. Be sure you fire off an IM to dfly...hecs at it again.
-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/06/27 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 03:43 PM
Lol Charlie...already did yesterday, and we had a nice chat. As for Hec, I agree with his wife, and will remember that you guys are GUYS after all. And yes please, make sure the spelling is correct when making a buzzkill, wouldn't want anyone to get offended or anything!! :big_smile:
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 03:49 PM
My wife can explain my sick way of thinking better than I can.-------------- Would it be classified as overly competitive if I refused to let a 4 year old beat me at chutes and ladders? |
2004/05/27, 03:53 PM
Thats why yoyo's like me and hec marry smart pretty wimminz-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2004/04/09 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 04:41 PM
I've just got one question: Is she HOT???? That would make all the difference in the world. Not to say that it would change anything, after all, you are not in a position to do anything, with the family and all. But I have that same thing happen to me with fat chicks and it sucks. If she's hot then you are the man. Take comfort in it. I know I would be walkin' around like I owned the place if a hot chick followed me around making goo goo eyes. -------------- Spark the fire that will torch the numbness inside. If you look too far ahead, you will lose sight of today - Carpe Diem - |
Joined: 2003/02/18 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 05:24 PM
You guys are priceless! LOL "spraying you like a cat" :laugh::laugh:
enj: I think it's pretty obvious she wants to talk to you, she is just wanting you to make the first attempt at a conversation. You could always start chatting to her and throw in the fact that you are happily married when the opportunity presents itself (if indeed you do not want to give her the wrong idea) - if she's interested in just being a workout partner, she'll stick around, if not, she'll go away. |
2004/05/27, 05:27 PM
We don't really need common sense here.-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/02/18 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 05:29 PM
aw sorry charlie. :(
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 07:38 PM
This sounds like a moutain dew commercial......
"how would you stay smooth......"? choice a. do you smell that? choice b. drop a plate on her foot choice c. man this rash is killing me ! choice d. shine your wedding band in plan view of her. -------------- .......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records! ......minds are not vessles to be filled, but fires to be enlightened ......Confucious once said ,DO NOT play leap frog with a unicorn |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/05/27, 09:21 PM
Why don't you just say hello to her next time? See what happens. With all the time you are wasting here contemplating the universe, you might be killing off a good opportunity!:big_smile:
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 11:19 AM
Yeah, say hi, get a hot woerkout patner, and then maybe your wife can join a different gym and workout with a hot guy.-------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight. |
Joined: 2003/06/27 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 11:31 AM
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Yeah, I wonder how that discussion would turn out.
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 11:51 AM
If my wife told me that she had a hot guy as her workout partner I would be there everyday with her. I would tell her new boy toy to beat feet.-------------- Would it be classified as overly competitive if I refused to let a 4 year old beat me at chutes and ladders? |
Joined: 2003/02/18 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 12:10 PM
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Good one Amy!
============ Quoting from asimmer: Yeah, say hi, get a hot woerkout patner, and then maybe your wife can join a different gym and workout with a hot guy. ============= |
Joined: 2002/05/23 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 02:12 PM
Whoa Amy, don't be so hateful. This is why I posted it for "the guys" not the girls. I was just wanting to know if there were any "guys" out there that had ever been through anything like that. Yea there are alot of really nice looking women at my gym and I would love to say hi to all of them. But I don't because of my wife. And if she ever stepped into a gym I really wouldn't care if she had a HOT workout partner. As long as she was working out. That would be enough for me. We can't all be as perfect as you now can we?
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 02:13 PM
Hec pulls out lawn chair, beer, and perhaps a cigarette along with anni, and charlie.-------------- Would it be classified as overly competitive if I refused to let a 4 year old beat me at chutes and ladders? |
2004/05/28, 02:17 PM
Behind the reinforced concrete wall, wearing a helmet and vest. This is gonna be so:cool:-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 02:32 PM
ok, it is obvious that I completely missed out on marriage factor on that one...so I will retract my statement about missing out on a good opportunity.
I go now to remove the foot from my mouth. :surprised: |
Joined: 2003/02/18 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 04:57 PM
Move over charlie - I want a good seat to :) I brought the flame retardent vests :big_smile:
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 05:42 PM
I am not being hateful, but how would your wife feel if you told her you were working out with a woman? Some women might be sure enough in their relationship that it would be okay, but I think those women are few and far between. Lucky you if you have one, more power to you, find the hottest chick in the gym and workout with her, only problem being whether she can actually give you a spot or not.
Anything posted in any forum is fair game for anyone, many men stop by the women's forum and offer advice. I am sorry that I can't sctrach my gnads and agree with you that it is cool and flattering to have a girl follow you around the gym. (watch out for the rabbit in the stew pot though). I have never claimed to be perfect, but i do know that unless the hot male I am training with is a)my husband or b) a professional bodybuilder whom I have paid as my trainer than my husband would definitely not be okay with it. Simply because another man is geting to spend quality time with me that he could be spending with me. Why not make your wife your workout partner? That would be the best deterrent to female stalkers and make both of you sexier and build your relationship on getting healthier together. Perfect or not, I can see that you are looking for someone, maybe cruelio will step up here, to tell you to talk to her, flirt with her, or maybe more, even though you say you are firm in your marriage. Have you told your wife that this chicka is following you around at the gym? -------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight. |
2004/05/28, 08:59 PM
For "the guys" would include me, asimmer's husband. How old are you? Whatever your age is, you need to decide now if you are a man or a boy. Men take responsibility for their every action and realize that the world does not revolve around them. Boys put themselves first. You sound like you have some conflicts to resolve about where your loyalties lie. I am not insulting you, as I figure you are really bothered by this woman and any feelings you are having toward her, but you need to realize that if you have a woman you really love (especially if you have children)you should look at things as they are. We are all human, and you will always notice people, but acting in a manner that jeprodizes your marrige is foolish at best.
I would say look at what's lacking in your life right now that makes you want to have her as a "hot workout partner", cause something is lacking. No one is perfect, but we all have choices to make. Oh yeah, I almost forgot: as a "guy" who is thanked by women daily for helping them out, I've gotten so many of those looks that I don't even keep track. My choice is my wife, always my wife. I hope someday you can say the same. | |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 09:31 PM
Oh, and everyone can be perfect like me... being 'perfect' is a conscious choice.-------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight. |
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/05/28, 09:53 PM
I knew that Amy would not disappoint. I am being serious here, not trying to jab anybody, but that was great. -------------- Would it be classified as overly competitive if I refused to let a 4 year old beat me at chutes and ladders? |
Joined: 2004/04/09 ![]() |
2004/05/31, 06:22 AM
good posts, but....is she hot??-------------- Spark the fire that will torch the numbness inside. If you look too far ahead, you will lose sight of today - Carpe Diem - |
2004/05/31, 11:13 PM
Well said Amy. I achieved a little perfection this weekend. My own beloved told me I was a prefect ass.-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2004/06/01, 08:46 AM
prefect ass - is that like head of the ass class?
-------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight. |
2004/06/01, 09:12 AM
Actualy the tail.-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/06/01, 12:17 PM
Hec provides flack jacket to Charlie and Anni and digs us shelter.-------------- Would it be classified as overly competitive if I refused to let a 4 year old beat me at chutes and ladders? |
2004/06/01, 12:41 PM
Ok hec, please forward coordinates for gunfire support. Somebody please tell enjcmn that me and hec are the only ridiculous people here. We jealously guard that fact. Anni is working a ridiculous apprenticeship with us but so far isn't up to our standard of ridiculousness. That takes ridiculously serious work. Calling anybody else ridiculous is ...well...simply riduclous.-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2002/05/23 ![]() |
2004/06/01, 01:44 PM
I'm through with this topic. Let's move on. How about a topic on, who has the most post on this website. I see Charlie has a whopping 2406. That would make anyone proud. Or have you guys already had one on that subject?
2004/06/01, 01:54 PM
Thanks for the fun enjcmn. BTW I'm a boater too.-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2004/06/01, 03:18 PM
You are right, I don't have a life. I don't have any friendas who are strippers or dancers or who own big pirate ships.
I do own my own business, I do have a beautiful daughter and a wonderful husband and we do spend a lot of time together. So, you outrank me because you have been onloine longer than me, oh, okay, excuse me big man online! I don't really care who or what you know, or where you have been, but this site is about an exchange of opinions on posts and that is what i gave, my opinion. i never claimed to be perfect - i was a juvenile delinquent, have traveled around the country doing various jobs, been a bouncer, been a brawler, been really fat, been a stay-at-home mom, been a bodybuilder. Oh, sorry, my resume isn't as long as yours. Glad you are done with this topic, I know i am. Oh, and just so you don't think we are in the gym all the time - we spend a lot of time in the bedroom, too.:big_smile: -------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight. |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/06/01, 04:19 PM
Anni shows up with lawn chair and vodka martini and no-line tan from vacation. What the hell went on while I was gone?
I can't be part of this discussion because I never follow men, they follow me. Desperate chicks are for losers, just ignore her. How was that Charlie? -------------- Anni ******* Hard work must have killed somebody |
2004/06/01, 04:49 PM
ridiculous-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
2004/06/01, 04:52 PM
But we need proof of the no tan line thing-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/06/01, 05:12 PM
LOL I will do what I can for you when I get the picture taken later this week.:cool:-------------- Anni ******* Hard work must have killed somebody |
Joined: 2004/04/09 ![]() |
2004/06/01, 05:59 PM
strippers?? Pirate ships?? Girls gone wild?? And then he says something about the meeting a young girl with his family in the car?? Did that post just totally go over my head??-------------- Spark the fire that will torch the numbness inside. If you look too far ahead, you will lose sight of today - Carpe Diem - |
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/06/01, 08:16 PM
I honestly believe that the whole story was fabricated. It was obviously a sad attempt at boosting his self esteem. Once he realized that none of us gave a damn that some stupid stripper was gawking at him at the gym he became angry and started name calling. Perhaps someone who boasts about being a family man shouldn't be posting sexual advances on another members profile. Yes Charlie has 2400 posts. 2400 posts worth reading. Compare that to your 40 posts that have done nothing to help anyone advance in their health and fitness goals. Why can't I mind my own business?-------------- Would it be classified as overly competitive if I refused to let a 4 year old beat me at chutes and ladders? |