Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 380, Messages: 54581

Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.

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Gym for a newbie

Posts: 1
Joined: 2016/05/15
2016/05/15, 05:16 AM
Hello everyone, u have a couple of questions regarding the gym. First of all I am fairly a fat guy around 105 kg (was 130 intially) and through dieting and moderate walking I had reduced to my current weight. Now I had recently jointed a gym to reduce more and reach my ideal weight. Never in my life I had gone to a gym before and let alone knows the terms used by the trainers over there. I had taken up cardio and weight training over there. Thing is I know one or two about cardio which includes 20 mins on running and walking in tread mill 20 mins of cross fit 20 mins of warm up 10 mins of cycling. But for weight training I have no idea about the terms theses people are using like " do the circuit" or "do mixed" what does these all mean like many people over there seems to know about these and I don't please help me know what these terms are and for weight loss what should be the exsercises that I should be doing like currently I am doing "circuit" which is what they call it and they tells me to do the "pictorials" and "shoulders" again that is what they call it. I don't even know what some of the machine does. Like one of it I have to lay down flat and have to lift up two bars with weights on both and there is one machines which will work on what they call "fly? " were you need to pull down a bar which have weights on the other end and then there is something called leg curl we need to pull down a bar with our legs. I had asked the Same question to my trainer and he was giving me "under which rock have you been living" look and he didn't explain what all these machine does to my body. That is why I am here please help me under stand the weight training in the gym and what are these terms called "circut", "mixed", "fly", "wings" and what does the above machines do. Any information will be much appreciated. Thanks
Posts: 2
Joined: 2009/07/23
United States
2016/05/23, 12:19 AM

Do a google search; you can find all the information you're looking for. Best option is ask one of the trainers to help you get started. they can explain the machine, what it does and make sure to are using the right form.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2016/06/20
United States
2016/06/21, 01:17 PM
Yes, getting a professional advice is recommended. find a suitable gym near you.