2014/03/07, 05:48 AM
- 2014/03/07, 05:49 AM)
Hi all,
My name's Tanith, I'm 19 and have been trying to loose weight and tone up since the New Year. I used to be 9st 3Ibs but then I lost my grandpa who I was very close too and I comfot ate and my weight rocketed to 11st. I know that's not that bad but I'm 5ft 4inches and i'm technically over weight now. I'm finding it hard to get out of my bad eating habbits and get motivated to do some excersise. So I joined this site with the hope that a plan and other people to motivate me would get me to a place where I can look in the mirror and think "Yeah. I look good today".
Anyway, here's hoping all goes well for everyone :) Good luck all :D
2014/03/13, 05:09 AM
Hi Tanith, I know how you feel!,I have always been one of those people who could eat whatever i wanted without gaining weight,or at least i used to be like that,I gave up smoking four years ago and swapped the cigarettes for doritos and ice cream.I am 5ft 11" and weigh 13st 7lbs that's up from the 11st i used to be.I have been weightlifting for a year now so have had to actually increase my calorie intake to be able to gain muscle which has made it almost impossible for me to diet.I keep a pair of jeans that i used to get into on a hanger in front of my weightbench as a motivator to keep working out. Personally i think women with a fuller figure are much more attractive than this ridiculous size zero rubbish so PLEASE don't get caught in the trap of longing to look like the airbrushed images you see in magazines, I wish you all the best and i'm sure you'll get to where you want to be!!!!,GOOD LUCK!!!!!.
2014/03/13, 04:11 PM
Hi Olly,
It's really frustrating isn't it! Not being able to scoff down a bag of chipsticks without worrying. I've started by cutting down on un-healthy food rather than stopping eating it all together because I've tried that before and it just made me find excusess to binge eat. But I have plunged into the working out head first. There's this 30 day challenge on Youtube called Body Rock and it's just 12 (intense) minutes a day! This work out is less about weight loss and more about toning up which is great beacuse I really don't want to loose my curves, just the flab. Hanging your jeans where you work out is a great idea! I might do that with my favorite dress, which I grew out of. Anyway, thanks for replying. It's really nice to talk to like-minded people :D
2014/03/14, 03:00 AM
Hi Tanith-Louise, Thanks for getting back to me!,I've also tried the "not eating" approach to weight loss and like you i ended up so hungry that when my will power cracked i reached straight for the junk food and gorged,and then of course you feel guilty like you've just totally let yourself down.I have started buying packs of sunflower and pumpkin seeds,I won't insult your intelligence by saying they're yummy but they are edible and you can nibble away guilt free.They are also packed with protein and to promote muscle growth i'm having to get 190 grams of protein a day.I will have to check out youtube and take a look at body rock,It is the short intense bursts of exercise that's supposed to be the best way of burning fat so your on the right track!!,I have three 45-minute workouts per week but i'm more on a mission to grow muscle (Having said that i AM trying to lose weight also!). I am a "support Worker" so am quite active throughout the day but a 12-minute intense workout could be ideal for me for when i get home after work, So thanks for the advice!!!!,Well,I hope you have a nice day!!!!,Bye for now, Olly99.
2014/03/14, 09:56 AM
Hi Olly,
That's totally fine. That's what this website is for right, helping eachother out. I've tried packs of sunflower seeds and things and I actually quite like them. I usually get the one's with the dried fruit in too, it takes away the dryness of the seeds. Yeah, Body Rock is great. They usually have five or six days workout then a rest day. On the same youtube channel they have a workout aimed at muscle growth, it's a similar thing. 12 intence minutes for a few days then a rest day. I've heard that muscle weighs more than fat so I wouldn't be too disapointed if you're not loosing any weight :) Anyway, glad I could offer some help and thank you also :)