Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 970, Messages: 18927

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Hello from Australia, Advice please

Posts: 2
Joined: 2003/09/20
2003/09/21, 07:55 PM
Hi all,

I am female, 37, overweight (temporarily 192), 5' 10". I am currently losing at a rate of 2 - 4 pds per week (through Aussie Weight watchers) but would love a proper exercise routine for a beginner.

I have a home gym (gathering dust at the moment) that does heaps like pec dec, leg curls, extensions, has the pull down bar and also the bar down the bottom for rows and curls etc.

Can anyone recommend an exercise routine with appropriate weights. I don't want bulk, just definition.

I would like to train Mon - Fri except Thursday as I help in the school canteen that day and don't find time to exercise (except for the 6 hrs of running around, cooking, serving etc)!!

Any help would be greatfully appreciated.
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/09/21, 09:19 PM
Hi Jesidy and welcome to Freetrainers.
I would suggest you look at the exercise routines on here. Fill out your profile and fill out the questionare in the exercise program area and remember to put in beginer.
You will be amazed at what it will give you. Hope this helps, and good luck. If you need more feel free to ask.

Beleive you can, and you are halfway there.
Ivan Montreal Canada (aka SpongeBob Square Pants to some!)
Posts: 2
Joined: 2003/09/20
2003/09/22, 06:20 PM
Hi again,

Thanks for the advice. However, I have already done that, but it hasn't really helped me with a program that I could do on my gym which is why I posted in here. So any additional advice would be great before I do something stupid like attempt to do it myself and waste my time with incorrect routines.

Thanks in advance.

Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/09/22, 06:28 PM
Start off with a weight level that you are comfortable with , just to get used to the movement and use proper form. Once you have accomplished that increase the weight so that the last 3 reps are difficult , but possible to complete. Start off by doing 3 sets of 12 reps each for each muscle group. Its best to train one day and rest the next. So a routine would be mon-wed-fri. If you do cardio, which I would strongly recomend, do that after your training. You can also get an exercise description for each musle group in the exercise area. Don't forget about your diet, you have to eat well to see the results.
Hope this helps.

Beleive you can, and you are halfway there.
Ivan Montreal Canada