Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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Hello - New to this Site

Posts: 6
Joined: 2006/06/15
United States
2006/06/15, 11:20 AM
HELLOOOOOOOO everybody!!!!! I'm hoping to make new friends and learn a few new tricks through this site - I hope!


My goals - to loose 50 pounds. I gained so much weight when pregnant with my son (now almost 9) I have never been able to recover since. I've had one more child since then (daughter almost 5) and a couple miscarriages. Before children I weighed about 100ib, and felt and looked my best at around 105ib (NOTE I'M not even 4'11"!!!) now I'm teetering at 165 IBS. I've come to this forum to read and find out what I am doing that can be fixed/modified so I can acheive permanant weightloss. I managed to get down to 125 but for some odd reason in january/2005 within a 6 week period I litterally smacked on 27 IB, NO JOKE! It was mortifying - with no change to my diet or excersize routine. Then around the same time again the next year (this past february 2006) I packed on another 15 pounds in a 6 to 7 week period (once again no change to my diet/excersize)Now, like I said - I am 4'10 1/2" and weighing 165 pounds!


I eat healthy, I think, for the most part. My diet mainly consists of soups and salads, occasional fish, or skinless chicken breasts. Average daily intake is about 700/cal/day. I watch fat and carb intake like crazy and also stay away from anything that contains bleached flour, high fructose corn syrup (mostly for the kids benefit), etc So I feel I am consious for myself and my family on what should or shouldn't be consumed.


My daily excersize routine is uaually a minimum of a mile walk (outside) or gilde (on a gazelle I just bought for rainy days) and usually resitant bands or my total gym for strength training 3 days or so per week. In theory with my eating and my excersize i shouldn't be this overweight! Perhaps I am getting this all wrong, the doctors agree, but all blood tests come back within normal range. I was put on BP pills for a few years due to severe hypertension (w/out pills averaging 200/150 -no joke- I could feel when my BP diastolic was hitting 100 or above) but now just as quickly as it appeared - it went away, so I am no longer on them. I was also on thyroid pills for a while, but was taken off those as well a yr ago.


I have been told I need to eat more, blessing or curse? I have no appetite really, ever. I have to schedule to eat since I am never hungry. My average daily calories are around 700cal/day , sometimes less.

According to this site I am suppose to have 2,000 calories? OH MY!!!! How am I suppose to eat that much?!!!! Let alone loose weight while eating that much???!!! Just curious on that one. I want to lose the weight so badly, so if I have to eat - then I'll eat. Any pointers or input from people who have been there, done that, and achieved their goals - WRITE ME!! Anyone who deals with women like me for a living - WRITE ME! Let me know what I can do to fix this once and for ALL!
