2006/04/18, 02:57 PM
I'm depressed about my fitness plan. I've been going at it since mid january. I started out at 154 and 34% and now I am at about 30% but I weigh 160ish. I started w weights only twice and week and about 1000 calories per day tops but upped the cals to 1600 and 3x a week I hit the weights. In between is either the treadmil or some other type of cardio. I have been really good about eatting right and cutting the fat while adding protein. I was also taking creatine and whey but recently stopped. I've also indulged in comfort foods alot lately. I want the scale to go down not up. Should I give up the supplements? My body is firmer but my pants are all getting tight and that's not what I got into this for.
HELP! I'm ready to quit and just be fat.
2006/04/18, 03:54 PM
4% body fat in 3 months in fantastic!! You are doing so well.Did you know that in women,creatine can and does create weight gain via water retention?
I am going to make a good guess that some of your weight gain is pure muscle,while the other maybe water retention from the creatine and it may take time to get rid of it...
It maybe time to change your exercises/routine,add something diff and tweak your diet a bit to get things moving again.
2006/04/18, 08:31 PM
"HELP! I'm ready to quit and just be fat."
Those are the words of someone who needs to be kicked in the a$$ and reminded, giving in is easy and will only make you weaker, following thru is what makes you stronger and builds character. Mystic made some good points, but let me add that at 160ish, taking in 1600 calories a day, you are below your maintenance calories for an active women. And cutting the fat is not necessarily what you want to be doing. Try increasing the good fats some and lowering your carb intake a little. Keep your protein at 1g per pound of body weight per day.
You need to restart your metabolism by bumping up your calories around 200-300 to 1800-1900 and eating 5-6 smaller meals a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Drop the creatine and only do the whey PWO with some simple sugars. Only use it as a meal replacement when you absolutely have to, and then add something to it to help slow digestion, like some frozen strawberries or oats. Hang in there, your gonna do just fine.
-------------- She sits and wonders why.....no more.
2006/04/19, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the encouragement. I've just been freaking out because I have never weighed more than 160 even when pregnant.
What is a good amount of fat per day? My problem areas are the belly (baby belly blues) and thighs. I've heard people say about thirty grams. But that has been a killer for me. Also I've heard that the last place people lose weight is in the midsection.
2006/04/20, 01:58 AM
30-40g of good fats would be a good starting place. Like natural peanut butter, Extra virgin olive oil, walnuts, flaxseed oil, fish oil capsules. And yes, IMO, the mid-section is the last and hardest place for most.
-------------- She sits and wonders why.....no more.