Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

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Help, I need motivation

Posts: 2
Joined: 2006/07/28
United States
2006/07/30, 06:48 PM
I have just gotten married and I have been in college for a year and I have totally let myself go. I used to dance for 3 hours a day and run about 2 miles a day, and i ate so incredibly! Now i have gained almost thirty pounds and I feel gross and icky. I have no energy anymore or anything. I try to start eating healthy but i just can't. What motivates you guys?? I need help to be motivated!!
Posts: 205
Joined: 2006/04/07
2006/07/31, 11:09 PM
hey i fully understand where u are comming from. I have lived with my boyfriend for a few years, as well i am in university. This can be a bad combo when trying to get in shape! You become to comfortable with your partner, school has crazy scheduals so you end up with bad sleeping and eatting habbits.
When i was younger, I to used to be in far better shape! I have gained a bit of weight but i am learning to keep it under control. I try to pack a lunch whenever possible, to avoid the crappy food they have on campus. If i decide to stay up late, I at least avoid snaking late. Its small things that you dont think would be a problem that seem to catch up with you!
You and your husband could motivate each other, if possible. Maybe the 2 of you could start going to the gym together, or doing physically activities together, such as walking, jogging, or taking up a co-ed sport. Motivate each other to eat healthy. My boyfriend and i make up a grocery list together when we are at home. We make healthy choices, and stick exactly to the list when we go pick up the food. This prevents impluse buys such as chips or cakes. Having lots of healthy choices at home encourages you not to eat all those bad foods!
These are just a few options that i have, like i said, i can fully relate to your situation, so keep in touch and let me know how things go! And sorry in advance if some sentences above dont make sense...its late and been a long day..haha...
Good luck!
Posts: 6
Joined: 2006/08/19
United States
2006/08/20, 10:53 PM
Personally, i respond to rewards best. My plan now is that for every hour i work out, i'll set aside $1 to spend on something (not food related) that i don't really need, like fancy makeup or nail polish. I've also found that setting little goals is helpful. Try giving yourself something that you can accomplish and then work for it. You'll feel better that you at least did something. Hope that helps!
Posts: 104
Joined: 2006/11/13
United States
2007/01/29, 09:21 PM
It is very hard to change everything with a snap of a finger. Try to make small changes, such as drinking more water, controlling your portion size, and do activities you enjoy doing. If you find a lifestyle that you enjoy doing, such as dancing, keep doing so you enjoy yourself while getting in shape.