Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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help me! new here

Posts: 4
Joined: 2005/05/17
2005/08/01, 10:38 AM
hey everyone!!!
this site is so cool and the coolest are the people out here with so helpful tips!!! anyways, i am nowdays really depressed about the fact that i really wana become tall!!! although i am 5'10 1/2 i wana atleast get 6' as i wana b a model! i am 18 now!!! anyways i know that i can get a few inches if i do a lot of streching and stuff!!!
Apart from this, my question is that , does gyming really stop your height? cause people keep telling me that to start gyming after 21, other wise if u lift up weights your height can b stunted!!! u wont grow any taller even if u cud had!!! Plz help me clear these doubts and if all this is true plz tell me which exercises those which will stop my height!!!
thanks in advance!!! waiting for help badly!
Posts: 1,054
Joined: 2003/06/14
United States
2005/08/01, 12:36 PM
Your growth cannot be stunted by lifting weights. And if you're still growing, you may get taller, but sorry there's no stretching that will make you taller.

I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle-victorious.
--Vince Lombardi
"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." H. L. Hunt

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2005/08/01, 12:49 PM
ive been lifting since my late teens, and have continued growing at a normal rate. if you want to grow, eat a healthy diet and get lots of rest.
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United Kingdom
2005/08/02, 11:23 AM
yeah, its and urban myth thing.

driving to eat a carvel cake
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United States
2005/08/03, 04:34 PM
Yes, I trained at a powerlifting club from the age of 15 - 17 and I am 6 foot 3. I used to work at a bar where one of the bouncers was 6 foot 8 and he had been training with weights and practicing martial arts since he was a teenager.

Homer? I know no Homer - my name is Guy Incognito

You\\'re just a little soul bearing up a corpse as Epictetus used to say.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2005/08/04
United States
2005/08/04, 08:49 AM
Since you are only 18, you don't have to worry about the growing thing. Males stop growing at the age of 21. You shouldn't have a problem getting there.:)
Posts: 18
Joined: 2005/07/25
United States
2005/08/04, 04:04 PM
im 16 years old and bout 5'8"..any1 think i can get to 6 foot lol
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United States
2005/08/04, 08:10 PM
All depends on genetics. No stretches will help you grow. Sorry for the bad news.

Posts: 18
Joined: 2005/07/25
United States
2005/08/04, 08:59 PM
thats true about the grandfathers were tall n so r my uncles, jus not my parents lol...the stretches thing different people say different things while i just do them anyway..they can prevent you from getting hurt in some ways.
Posts: 1,054
Joined: 2003/06/14
United States
2005/08/05, 12:42 AM
Hey you can always hang from a pullup bar and just let gravity make you taller.

I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle-victorious.
--Vince Lombardi
"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." H. L. Hunt

Posts: 18
Joined: 2005/07/25
United States
2005/08/05, 09:27 AM
i heard about that cousin used to do that, does it really actualyl work?