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Joined: 2005/06/12 |
2005/06/12, 01:14 PM
i posted in another forum but maybe this one is the more appropriate place. i don't need help losing my weight or doing any of the exercises, i think i have that part covered. what can i do to get rid of these hips? i never had hips. i had my daughter 9 years ago and they just keep getting wider and wider. it is fat and not muscle. i look at my mom and she has HUGE hips. i don't want to look like that. please help me....
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2005/06/12, 04:30 PM
People tend to store fat differently so you may store most of the weight gain in your hips....
do cardio training(3-5 days a week jogging or 7 days a week 30 walking at a brisk pace in morning or night) and cut calories(no more than 500) from your nutrition to start losing weight | |
2005/06/12, 04:31 PM
3-5 days jogging for 30-60 minutes*
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Joined: 2005/06/12 |
2005/06/12, 07:22 PM
thanks menace...but i can't do the jogging. i broke my ankle a few years ago and i can't run. it likes to give out sometimes with no advance warning. i can walk though...what about riding my bike. my daughter and i do that a lot now that the weather is nice...
Joined: 2005/06/09 |
2005/06/12, 08:32 PM
yeah... riding your bike or swimming is just as good as jogging... i preferably think swimming is funner lol-------------- ~If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut. |
Joined: 2003/11/30 |
2005/06/12, 09:04 PM
funner? is that a word? Menace is going to be all over that one..:laugh::laugh:
Joined: 2005/06/12 |
2005/06/12, 09:51 PM
ok thank you guys. i'll have to stick with the bike. i am deathly afraid of bodies of water bigger that my hot tub...i haven't been in a pool in at least 20 years...i'm 27 now.
anyway, i take it menace is a big one on proper english and spelling? |
2005/06/13, 02:17 AM
roflmao...yes I am a nerdy literature professor at University of X....and I sit here all day and monitor freetrainers for proper spelling and grammer....sorry but 'funner' is not a word...
but feel free to use...http://dictionary.reference.com/ whenever unsure.... swimming is definitely #1 for working around bad joints.... cycling is good...rowing machine is good....walking stars or stairmasters are also all good.... if you can...walk 20-30 minutes in the morning.....and then 20-30 minutes before sleep....helps burn calories, and you'll probably sleep better also... | |
2005/06/13, 02:18 AM
walking stars ..lol...stairs*...was I trying to imply that you're 'godly'...being able to walk on stars...lol..
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Joined: 2005/06/12 |
2005/06/13, 04:48 PM
i wish i could walk on the stars....does the fact that i really only get 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night have any effect on what i am trying to accomplish here?-------------- Kristi you will never know what you can do until you try |
Joined: 2003/11/30 |
2005/06/13, 06:04 PM
MENACE MADE A MISTAKE!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::big_smile: hehe You know I have been watching and waiting! :)
2005/06/13, 06:37 PM
yes 4-5 hours is not good...higher cortisol levels...you're storing more calories as fat....your muscles/body has less time to recover...sleep is when most of your recovery and muscle growth takes place....also being up more hours...means you're likely to overeat...etc.
get at least 8.....do whatever is necessary.... | |
Joined: 2005/06/12 |
2005/06/13, 07:54 PM
believe me i wish i could get more than 5 hours sleep. in order for me to sleep for 8 hours, that means i ahve to be in bed by like 8:30 9:00 pm at the latest...not possible. i will do the best i can but like my profile says, i am a single mother who is at work almost 12 hours a day.
cortisol levels? isn't there some kind of pill out there for that? i'm sure it's bogus anyway. my life is full of stress, i'm sure my cortisol levels are through the roof -------------- Kristi Make it happen!! |
2005/06/14, 04:02 AM
4-5 hours is not enough....you're robbing yourself of good health and cutting years off your life by doing this...I mean you could maybe try 6 hours ....although 7 hours is much better...and 8+ ideal...
I understand you're a single mother, but is there no way you could get to sleep by 9? try to brainstorm....instead of saying I can't ...try asking 'how can I make time to sleep 8 hours a night'...then sit and right down all possible ideas.... also if you can....try to nap 10-15 minutes throughout the day....power naps revitalize your body.... | |
Joined: 2005/05/27 |
2005/06/14, 10:13 AM
"then sit and right down all possible ideas.... "
you mean WRITE. couldn't resist menace. lol.... |
Joined: 2005/03/20 |
2005/06/14, 10:23 AM
I love power naps...I try to take one when i get off work...before cooking dinner. Occassionally if it's a particularly busy week I'll get a few at work...shhh you didn't hear me admit that.
Joined: 2005/06/12 |
2005/06/14, 03:32 PM
Yeah, I love power naps too...doesn't everyone? But unfortunately I can't take power naps at work. I am going to try to get more sleep. 7 hours might be a little more realistic. Funny thing is I was albe to 'sleep in' this morning, I was up at 7am instead of 5am, and all I did was yawn all morning. I seemed to feel more tired after getting more sleep.
gangstershoes got you menace....lol:big_smile: -------------- Kristi Make it happen!! |
2005/06/14, 11:30 PM
gangsta..yep you caught me....
thing is...I almost never point out other peoples spelling mistakes...the reason I pointed it out in another post is because whenever you call someone dumb or unintelligent, you better be sure you know how to spell either one of those words correctly...otherwise you come off looking worse then the person you're making fun off.... good...get 7 hours of sleep...and then try to take 1-2 power naps during the day for maybe 10-20 minutes....don't fall into deep sleep otherwise you'll be even more tired when you wake up.... | |
Joined: 2005/05/27 |
2005/06/15, 12:55 PM
yeah I couldn't resist from all of the fsdsk, and menace spelling posts floating around.