Supplements can be a great aid with your health and fitness goals. Combined with the proper exercise and nutritional plan they can be quite effective.
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Joined: 2005/06/28 ![]() |
2006/07/31, 02:30 PM
Hi, I know you must have this question hundred of time but I just want to know wich product do you guys take.. Because I know if I go to the sup. store they will sell me a buch of stuff that I dont even need.
Here my stats 21 years old 6.1 hight 180 lb 18% body fat medium , low-high metabolism 1 year of training at home didn't really use any supp but body have changed in a good way. Objective gain 20lb muscle.. can get like 20% or + of fat.. will lose it later. Will train 3 -4 time a week at 5:00 pm , during 1 hour Have a personal trainer to do my gain mass training program. Sleep 8 hour no money limit (got a good job) Okay I know 99% of you will say EAT well and train hard this is the only way... But adding this training will cut a lot of time of my shedule to do receipe and cooking.. and + I really hate cooking and since sleeping is the most important I want to sleep at least 8 hour... okay I normaly eat good stuff for dinner and supper (dont take any breakfast)... I know thats bad :( so for now I'll get 1 full breakfast, Dinner, supper. But I see you guys getting protein shake like 3 time a day, creatine, vits A.B.C .. almost to Z, fish or flax oil, post work out shake (surge), glutamine... its must be for something... Because i'm going to use my body like never I did before so i guess I need more then just protein shake not to lose any muscle size or to gain the max I can. Btw I dont want any pro hormone like superdrol and sh*t... I know 20 LB is freaking huge but I know my buddy can get bigger and I KNOW IT WILL BE FREAKING LONG !! but I want to put all the chance on my side. So what would be your perfect supplement , vits add on thru all the day with my 3 normal meal per day, from my body type and almost with out any money limit. thx a lot for your time and sry for my english (french canadian here ).. |
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Joined: 2001/02/28 ![]() |
2006/07/31, 03:13 PM
The first thing on your supplement list should be more food: chicken, lean beef, whole wheat pasta, etc. You say that you don't have time to cook, but if you want results you have to MAKE time. Be selfish. Take the time to concentrate on your personal goals of a better, leaner physique. You should be eating 6 small meals a day, keeping your protein intake on the high end. Whey protein and a good multivitamin/multimineral (like Animal Pak) should be sufficient for supplements for now. -------------- --JBennett "I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!" "Pain is only weakness leaving the body." "Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be." |
Joined: 2005/06/28 ![]() |
2006/07/31, 04:15 PM
good , so even on non working day should I still take 1 pill + 3 time whey protein to help me get my 270 g protein amount ? and No glutamine or fish oil ??
2006/08/01, 10:21 AM
Definitely worth taking:
Fish Oil supplement is great... 6-10g daily Ditto on multivitamin and whey protein potentially useful: ZMA CEE creatine Calcium Vitamin C | |
Joined: 2005/02/26 ![]() |
2006/08/01, 10:43 AM
why calcium and vitamine c? Can't you get enough of those trhough plain food?
Joined: 2005/06/28 ![]() |
2006/08/02, 02:57 PM
thx for the info guys, 2 little more question. If I take animal pak will have enought amino acid or BCAA ?? or should take supplement for that to ?? and should I take flaxseed oil instead fish oil I heard that it was better then fish oil
Joined: 2001/02/28 ![]() |
2006/08/02, 04:07 PM
Animal Pak does not contain a ton of BCAAs. I'm sticking to my original post: Whey protein and a good multivitamin/multimineral (like Animal Pak) should be sufficient for supplements for now. If you want to take either flaxseed or fish oil, fine - it's fairly inexpensive and easy to find.
Spend more time refining your diet and training routine and less time worrying about supplements. -------------- --JBennett "I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!" "Pain is only weakness leaving the body." "Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be." |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2006/08/02, 07:14 PM
Your best bet is vitamin chicken, vitamin turkey, vitamin tuna, vitamin complex carbs, vitamin good get the picture. If you are trying to gain, and taking whey protein, no need for BCAA's. In fact, food will give you plenty BCAA's. For example.....a 100 gr. chicken breast has 470 mg valine, 375 g isoleucine, and 656 mg leucine, the equivalent of about 7 BCAA tablets. One quarter of a cup of peanuts (60 g) contains even more BCAA and is equivalent to 11 tablets. Don't be sucked in by supplements that promise the world and do little. BCAA supplementation may be warranted when calorie deprived, but surely not when on a gaining diet.-------------- Maximus from Gladiator....Strength and Honor! |
2006/08/03, 08:03 AM
Have to is way more crucial than any single a complete beginner you'll get great results no matter what you do just about...given a decent lifting program and a decent'll get results...
Extra calcium is useful if a person doesnt take enough in their diet....Also if you're lifting weights, your body needs more calcium to strengthen your bones and other tissues. Vitamin C is great for immune system(havent had a cold this year...coincidence? perhaps...but I had a flu/cold the past several years before yet avoided one this year taking 3-4g daily...) I was reading it's potentially useful at burning fat... | |
Joined: 2005/06/28 ![]() |
2006/08/03, 08:16 AM
thx alot for the information guys, will check more my diet then those supplement I think the way to big supplement marketing was getting me :)