Group: Competitive Bodybuilding & Fitness

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help with cutting phase

Posts: 270
Joined: 2006/06/01
United States
2008/10/06, 08:42 PM
i have been in the "bulking phase" for a few years now and i have reached a point where i dont like how i am starting to look (fat-wise and muscle defintion-wise). I am at about 16% bodyfat and I would like to get to at least 8%. I want to know how I can minimize strength and muscle loss while in the "cutting phase." Also, I have no idea as to how many calories I should be taking for it. I am currently taking between 4000-4300 calories at 5'9" 205 pounds. Also,are there any sites, articles or books you recommend concerning this topic?

Veni,Vidi,Vici.= I came, I saw, I conquered.- Ceasar
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2008/10/07, 10:38 AM
Just cut your carbs by a few hundred calories and see how you do for a few weeks, you can progressively do this until you find the caloric intake where you have good energy for your workouts but you are losing bodyfat. keep lifting as heavy as your energy levels allow and increase your cardio a little. you should start dropping bodyfat fairly easily, being young and male.


A man of sense is never discouraged by difficulties; he redoubles his industry and his diligence, he perseveres and infallibly prevails at last.

Lord Chesterfield
Posts: 270
Joined: 2006/06/01
United States
2008/10/09, 10:49 PM
k thanks...

Veni,Vidi,Vici.= I came, I saw, I conquered.- Ceasar
Posts: 4
Joined: 2008/04/06
United States
2008/10/18, 06:28 PM
devinm, hey man whats up. i see that you are wanting to get cut. there is an easy way to find out how many calories you should be taking. there are a few methods. first goggle daily caloic requirements. right now from your post 205lbs, could be anywher from 2837-4266. the easist way to find out the exact is to find your bmr. also goggle bmr(basil metabolic rate). now like asimmer has suggested cut carbs, but not by alot. when you body starves for carbs, one you become tired and two you can suffer from ketosis(also google for def). but short explanation is when your body starves for carbs, excessive amounts of fat are oxidiezed. you can also use the 1-2-3 rule 1fat, 2protein, 3 carbs. also googgle for more in depth explanation.