2007/10/22, 02:19 PM
Hey all, I'm Mark and I'm 19, 6 ft and just under 14 stone (roughly). Just came across this site and it's looking pretty good at first glance. I haven't taken the time to look around properly just yet but I know what I'm here for lol. Well here's the thing, I need to burn this fat I've gained over the summer :( I've moved from home to sport uni and it's put me off my original training regime. I do kickboxing and hopefully I'll be joining a new club tomorrow to check it out (haven't been properly training for nearly 2 months now)
In the past I was told to go on a high protein/low carb diet and lift light weights with about 12-15 reps to burn the fat. To me this seems a possible way of doing it but I always felt tired and drained from the diet and couldn't function as well in kickboxing. I've read one forum and someone was saying cardio was the best way to go (in the mornings), then someone was saying about ONLY lifting weights.
Well anyway, I suppose I have a lot of questions to ask which I'll probably hassle you all about later heh, well nice to be here,
2007/10/22, 09:44 PM
People always think negatively about carb's. They think, sugar, oh that's junk food. But our bodies need carbohydrates for fuel to power us through our workouts (not to mention the rest of our days). Building muscle requires amino acids, the building blocks that get snapped together to build up more muscle fibers, but that process is also energy consuming and so it also requires carbohydrates to power it. Of course, if we go on low carb diet's, our bodies can resort to using other fuels to get us through the day, like protein and fats, but those fuels don't work very well during intense physical activities. Also, many many studies have shown that the human body, even during its most intense boughts of anabolic muscle building, can only use up to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. If you ingest any more than that, the protein gets used for power like carb's or it gets excreted in urine as a nitrogenous waste. Most scientific studies of high performance athletes have shown (with lots of data to back up the conclusions) that athletes perform best during competitions and training when their diet contains about 25% protein, 60% carbs, and 15% fats. That's for high performance athletes. Still, I think it makes the point that carbohydrates are very important. People are limiting themselves when they attempt low carb diets, and high protein diets can stress the kidney's by forcing the body to use all that extra protein as metabolic fuel. Hope that info is useful to you. I can give you the references for the studies I mentioned, too.
-------------- \"We must be the change we wish to see in the world\" - Ghandi
2007/10/23, 01:26 PM
Hey! Wow, thanks for the information on that! Wasn't expecting a comment like that so soon :) Thanks a bunch, I'll keep note of that! Definitely need my energy for kick boxing ya see. It seems like I'll just have to learn the types of foods I should take to achieve healthy weight loss and the quantities of such and when I should be taking them throughout the day with my training program. Thanks again!
2007/10/23, 08:05 PM
Good luck Mark. But, I need to correct my %'s. After going back and checking, I realized that the %'s I gave you were close, but not quite correct. The studies I referenced cite an ideal balance of 65% carbs, 15% protein, and 20% fat for peak performance. Sorry about the mix-up.
Oh, how was the new club you checked out? Think you're going to join up?
-------------- \"We must be the change we wish to see in the world\" - Ghandi
2007/10/26, 08:15 PM
Well, checked out the club and it's amazing! was training for 2 1/2 hours last night and I feel great. Glad to get back into it :) here's the website if you wanna check it out - www.ko-kickboxing.com