Group: Experienced Exercise

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Hey all! Push up Problems.

Posts: 2
Joined: 2002/10/13
United States
2002/10/17, 03:22 PM
Hey there, I need a way to break my push up limit. I always seem to run out of steam on 20, and that was my plateau, can't raze it much more.... any tips? Oh yeah whats a good way to start doing pull-ups, I cant do a single one, I need a way to start.
Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2002/10/17, 04:49 PM
The only thing I can think of is when you reach 20 try to hit 21 no matter the cost. then after you get 21 easy move up...try to add one more each time you do them. Same for chins. Do cable lat pull downs if you can they will help bulid strength. Other than that for chins I do not know.

Posts: 76
Joined: 2002/09/06
2002/10/18, 10:44 AM
try to do it like a drop set. Do as many as you can, then take a 10 sec break, then do it again, then a 10 sec break, then again....

Do this every second day for a while and see if that helps build up your stamina.

I did this when I was young and training for this strengh thing for gym class and built up my stamina to 50+ pushups within a couple of weeks.

Posts: 467
Joined: 2002/08/12
United States
2002/10/18, 11:27 AM
There were some tips on the women's board a few weeks back on this topic - you might want to look them up. One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is building strength in triceps and deltoids; triceps are usually the first to fail but I know in my case delts are the weak link.
Posts: 642
Joined: 2002/06/27
United States
2002/10/18, 12:25 PM
Hey this is your lucky day, this is a no shit deal just for you, If increasing your push ups is your main goal? This is how to do it: wake up 15 minutes earlier, drop to the floor and do as many as you can-make it hurt-go all the way down-and all the way back up,always keep a good steady pace, rest a minute, then do wide hand push ups, again as many as you can, rest a minute, then do another set of each. Do this for six weeks, you will become the push-up king. After the 6 weeks get some push up bars for an extra burn. Make sure you do them in the morning only, and every day, make it a new religion. I have been in the military for 22 yrs and love to help when it comes to pushing realestate.

"Get everthing you want--just make a little change now"
Posts: 36
Joined: 2002/10/03
2002/10/19, 12:51 PM
I also find it helps to get yourself "pumped up" however you can. For me, some hard rock music helps a lot, like Rage Against the Machine.
Posts: 766
Joined: 2002/10/17
United States
2002/10/23, 12:19 PM
You could try doing pyramid sets - where you work up to max reps and then back down. Or try adding weight to your push ups (obviously doing less). JessicaR also brought up a good point that a lagging muscle group might be the cause. Where is your sticking point on those last reps? At the bottom or near the middle?
Posts: 5
Joined: 2002/10/22
United States
2002/10/23, 11:24 PM
I'm in the army so i have good experience in this area. Aside from doing pyramids try doing bench dips and elevate your feet on a chair while doing your push ups this really helps trust me.
Posts: 30
Joined: 2002/07/26
United States
2002/10/24, 03:12 PM
Ex-Military (a Grunt no less),

It's all about repetition, that's how it worked for me anyways...billions and billions of push-ups..till your dreaming about em'

Now that I have been out for quite awhile now, surprisingly enough, I can still do a whole mess of em'. I don't do push-ups except as a warm up anymore (or to show off), but the core muscle structure/movement pattern has stayed with me. It's like turning on a machine for me....still...after all these years.

The gains from these will stick with you for years to come. And allow you to humiliate the occasional smart-a** 19 year old that crosses you path. :)

Good luck