2005/08/23, 11:51 PM
I wasn’t gonna post at first, then decided what the heck, maybe it will get me into the flow and help get some people to hold me accountable. All my friends this side of the screen are just too soft to hold me ‘to’ anything, and I know it. *smile*
I am new to this website, but no new to the plan. 6 years ago I got into shape and kept the weight off, even through a pregnancy. Gained only 20lbs and almost 10 of it was baby. I didn’t start gaining again until we started to gear up for a move back to the US from an overseas location…..slowly over the last year and a half it has just kept creeping up. It is really hard to see you did well through a pregnancy, yet didn’t keep it up for a stinkin move. We have moved again at our 1 year mark of being in the US and I have chosen to take this new move as an overall fresh start. I plan on not only getting “back to where I was” but am going to strive to get to the best I can be!!!
I really look forward to using this site to the fullest & making TODAY the first day of the new me with my HEALTHY lifestyle. Not tomorrow or next week, TODAY! I really am sick of being where I am, which I read in a book recently- you aren’t ever going to change if you don’t hate where you are enough to MAKE the change. Good point, I thought.
Anywhoo, here I am, I look forward to working right along with all of you!