2012/04/26, 08:53 PM
I'm trying to build muscle because I've done a ton of cardio and running training (best mile time was 5:30) and it's left me with skinny arms and chest. I'm toned but I need bulk so I"m not so skinny.
I have a little gym at my apartment complex, free weights, tredmil, basic stuff. so I hope to get bigger but be exhausted all the time like I did when I was on p90x. I'm worried I won't get any results just more 'toned,' I want bulk.
thanks guys! going to fill out my profile now.
2012/04/26, 10:11 PM
Welcome here. To bulk up, the general rule of thumb is to lift heavy and do fewer reps, eat a lot and rest properly.
That being said, you need to learn to lift properly, with lighter weights and perfect your form. You wont get big overnight so learn the proper techniques. You may want to go to the "exercise" section and look at the full body workout. There are decent photos for form on each exercise but you can use the Google to find videos of any of these exercises.
Don't be in a hurry. Master the lifts and then increase the weight. You are welcome to join the beginners group and ask all the questions you can think of. Keep a fitness log . You'll find your flog access on your profile page. It also helps to read other people's flogs and see what they are doing.
Good luck.
2012/04/26, 10:51 PM
hey mate,
To bulk up you will need to do a progressive resistance training program and have a nutrition plan.
The training program can be found on this site. However the nutirtion side is a bit more complicated. You need to eat more calories than you require but they have to be quality calories i.e. protiens, carbs and good fats. The excess calories you eat will go into muscle repair and growth as long as you are training.
The average calorie expenditure for a male is around 2700-2900 but if you are highly active and do a lot of cardio then yours will probably be higher. You also need to be eating AT LEAST 1g of protien per lb of weight, protiens are amino acids that are neccessary for cell repair and growth.
This is just a simple answer and there is a lot more information, but if you have anymore specific questions feel free to ask.
good luck!
2012/04/27, 12:21 AM
ops just realised I posted the wrong BMR thats suppose to be 1700 - 1900 not 2700 - 2900, silly Ipad
2012/05/01, 08:52 PM
thanks you guys! I started today and I'm hoping this works well.