2004/05/27, 01:42 PM
My name is Lili. I have the worst time trying to lose weight. I have no will power at all. Can anyone offer advice?
-------------- Peace Out!
-Society is dumb, individuals are smart.
2004/05/27, 01:50 PM
Hi Lili, I'm also new, and in the same boat as you, I have no willpower, and can't seem to lose the weight.
2004/05/27, 05:35 PM
Hey Lili, same for me too, well i do have the willpower to start off with, then i lose it after a few weeks and i start putting weight back on again! I really really want to lose weight, cause its affecting my confidence and im annoyed at how hard it can be!:angry:
2004/05/27, 07:12 PM
Hello, all of you ! And welcome to freetrainers!
The first thing you need to do is write down why you want to lose weight/be healthier and what the benefits of a healthier lifestyle would be for you, personally.
Then you need to change the way you talk to your self. You need to change to positive language - you will be suprised at how much this effects you - tkae any statement you make about yourself and write it down - then rewrite it in a positive way. For example "I have no will power." You would rewrite that as 'I have power over the coices I make.' Or ' I make good choices that help me get healthier' Something that supports your goals.
Think of yourself as already in the physique you desire - what would someone like that eat? What would they do daily for their physique? What would they wear? Now start acting the part. Everytime you are going to choose what to eat for a meal - ask yourslef - what would I eat if I were an athlete, or a model, or whoever it is you want to be.
Act the part and believe that change will come. Most people quit right before they would have started noticing changes.
-------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
2004/06/03, 07:37 PM
I'm new as well and I also find it very hard to stay on track. I usually fall off the diet as soon as someone notices I've lost some lbs. I joined this website in hopes of changing my eating and workout habits, but I find it very hard to create a diet that meets all the requirements (fat, pro, carbs & cal). Does anyone else have this problem or any suggestions?
2004/06/05, 11:51 AM
Hey for all you with the "no willpower" - you made a super step and you are HERE! That shows some willpower!
Check out the out the "Overweight and Obesity" forum, there is a checkin every Monday! Remember, you have created bad habits, now you just need to create good ones! It isn't going to be e a s y to readjust, but just hang in there! I am having my hubby pick up some Splendor (after many suggestions here on the forums) and have decided that sugar is my enemy (ohhhh, I love my enemies!!) and I am going to tackle that as there is no getting around the fact that many of our foods have so much sugar in them already, so I am going to try some baking with it and everything! I am doing this not only for myself, but since I always put everyone else in front of me (working on that), I am doing it for my family who needs to learn good habits too.
I've wanted to quit a time or two in the past few weeks, but the supportive people here and knowing that I am better every day for what I am doing (whether I can see it or not)is worth every moment!
If you want to cheat, come here, if you don't want to workout, come here, that has helped me tremendously, everyone is different, of course, but there has not been a time when someone here's post has not affected me and helped me to move forward! GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!! REMEMBER MOST IMPORTANTLY -- YOU ARE WORTH IT!
-------------- MISERY IS OPTIONAL
2004/06/07, 04:34 PM
I was having a hard time getting myself to the gym this morning until I thought of a couple of the trainers here that I really admire. Then I got a new burst of energy. If they could change their lives and their bodies and then continue to care about others like myself that are committed to change, well... I'm just so inspired by that.
-------------- In order to be irreplaceable, one must be different. Coco Chanel
2004/06/07, 06:03 PM
as they say artschool-girl - BUMP!
I am so much more inspired by real people that take the time to share their stories, struggles and successes as so many here have done!
-------------- Veda