Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

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how can I change the start day of traini

Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/07/16
United States
2003/09/18, 03:25 PM
I am not a new member. I actually finish my 8 weeks training one week before. my question is about my new program. As I sayed I finished my 8 weeks program last week, and I input the information for another 8 weeks that I want to start next week. however, the computer planed my routined satarting this monday and I do not want that. I want my routine to start next monday. How can I change that day? I keep trying but I can not do it.
Posts: 893
Joined: 2003/02/18
2003/09/18, 03:36 PM
Is there not a check box in your exercise program that says "Advance program one week?" I have done that a few times and it has worked for me. Let us know if you haven't found it....
Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/07/16
United States
2003/09/19, 04:36 PM
I don't find the "advance program one week" botton.
can you please tell me how I should do it??

Quoting from I_Am-azon:

Is there not a check box in your exercise program that says "Advance program one week?" I have done that a few times and it has worked for me. Let us know if you haven't found it....