2003/06/02, 01:39 PM
Hello All! What is the best way to show my veins and get a great pump as well? I am looking to have my veins be more apparent. Thanks!
2003/06/02, 08:08 PM
Vascularity is usually a genetic thing, but, as ravenwolf said above, a good STRICT diet and intense excercise program will help. When your muscles get larger, they will need more blood flow. That will increase the diameter of your veins.
-------------- --JBennett
"I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!"
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
"Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be."
2003/06/02, 08:53 PM
try intense cardio, flexing in between sets (30 seconds), superset and drop sets
2006/01/23, 07:23 PM
2006/01/23, 08:59 PM
I just made this post earlier for someone else, will repeat it here...
Some folks are blessed with high vascularity. If you are not one of them, then leaness will help.
Cooling is a key....if you ever notice in the summer, if you are under the blanket, when you wake in the morning you will be pretty vascular. This is the bodies way of trying to cool, pumping blood to the warm areas.
If you notice, if you are cold and your body temp lowers your visible veins will disappear until you warm up.
Proper hydration is also essential.
-------------- Strength and Honor!
2006/01/23, 10:08 PM
Low body fat + hard exercise in those areas:
-Try compound supersets meaning 2 consecutive exercises for the same muscle with just a few seconds rest between each, before resting. Do 5-6 sets.
-Also try to use isolation exercises instead of compounds, and use cables instead of free weights, with reps in the 10-15 range.
Basically what you want to do is train as though you were cutting for a contest-that'll bring out any veins that are there.
If this doesn't work it's just hereditary.
2006/01/24, 12:18 PM
pumpsterr....this is not absolutely true. I have competed in 12 contests, so got very lean. When I was cold, I had no vascularity.
It is still imparitive before going on stage you are warm. If it is cold backstage, you will lose your vascularity. Done it too many times.
-------------- Strength and Honor!