2001/09/27, 09:54 PM
i have been lifting for 5 years and have never seen or heard anyone talk about them
2001/09/27, 10:14 PM
Probably because everyone knows how dangerous they are and the long term effects aren't so pleasant. Eat more and lift with intensity......
2001/09/28, 10:38 AM
have you tried using pro-hormones? They can be quite effective and safe. Also creatine, glutamine, multivitamins as well as protein supplements are key. Hard training and eating correctly must be the root of your program.
Good Luck.
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2002/01/22, 10:17 AM
You know I have not heard anyone talking either. Must be small groups of people and if you not in with them you will not get them?
2002/01/22, 11:08 AM
Listen to jbennett and arnold...say no to drugs! At the very least, try other supplements already mentioned...you may be surprised at the results!
2002/01/22, 12:19 PM
What really ticks me off about the whole steroids thing is that they actually do have legitimate medical purposes, and it took a few lazy-a$$ morons who were looking for a short- cut to "fitness" to give steroids such a negative stigma. You say "steroids" to the average person and they gasp with the same intensity as if you had mentioned "crack." Anabolics have been so beneficial to many patients as a result of the medical community using controled, short termed thrapy. But anabolics arent the only ones. Corticosteroids have saved more lives than most other drugs, yet mentioned them as what they are, steriods, and people flip out. Again, short termed and controled therapy is the key to avoid side effects, but the problem is in the perception.
I have never used anabolics, and no one should use them illegally, but the ignorance of the general public of the field of medicine is something that cant be ignored.
Just my soapbox; thanks for listening..........Michael
2002/01/22, 12:28 PM
I hear ya brother..
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2002/01/22, 01:32 PM
I have to agree with Michael, steroids are and should be used for some purposes, but shouldn't be used by healthy individuals looking to enhance their bodies.
2002/01/22, 03:23 PM
Here is a question to throw out. Is the United States the only country that does not allow steriod use as in over the counter as in other countries? And if that true, why? Just wondering.
2002/01/22, 03:41 PM
The most informative website (that I have seen) on this subject can be found at www.steroids.com.