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I just bought some Whey protein supp. and some Glutamine (powder) and am just wondering how much (in g or mg) should I take a day, when exactly in the day should I take it, and whether I should indeed take it every day, even on rest days. I work out usually in the evening since I work the usual 9-5. Anybody with good experience using these supplements can let me know any other advice too
Glutamine should be used right after your workout.. then before you go to bed (5 grams). Whey should be used to help you with your total protein requirements. Usually you need about 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.
well I'm trying to gain some serious muscle mass, not as much as Arnold though hehe. I have a fast metabolism so it's hard for me to gain weight and thus I am pretty slim so I figured I'd add some muscle mass instead.
so am I supposed to be taking glut pretty much twice a day when I workout (5g after workout + 5g before bed = 10g) and maybe just once before bed on days I do not? how do you suggest?