2004/01/03, 04:48 PM
I'm 18 years old, 162 lbs. and I'm 5'9. I want to put on mass and weigh around 175-180 lbs. by summer time. I wanted some feedback about my diet, if there is anything I can do to make it better and help me reach my goal.
This is my tipical daily diet.....
Meal 1: 3 egg whites and 1 hole egg, Oatmeal
Meal 2: cottage cheese, Brown Rice, Brocolli
Meal 3(pre-workout): 2 slices of wheat bread, Turkey, Cheese, Salad, protein bar
Meal 4(Post-workout): Protein shake (protein, yogurt, penut butter, bananas)
Meal 5: Chicken, Brown Rice or pasta or potatos, Salad
Meal 6: Apple or banana, Tuna Fish, Brocolli
I usually try to go for about 215 g. or protein, 375-400 g. of carbs, and around 45g. of fat. and I eat about every 3 hours.
If you think that is too many carbs, fat or protein or if you think I should add anything important, let me know.