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I am obese :(

Posts: 20
Joined: 2008/05/22
United States
2008/05/27, 03:43 PM
Hi, my name is Tania. Growing up I'd always been the big girl. By that I mean, I was taller than my class mates, more physically developed than all the girls. My breasts were bigger than my teacher's. To hide myself from the attention I would get, I started dressing baggy and putting on alot of weight. I never really thought i was "THAT BIG" but now that I want the attention, it's almost impossible to get it. I am considered to be obese and I had never really thought of myself that way. I can handle the workout just fine, my biggest dilema is the food intake. I grew up in a household where a single portion actually feeds two people and I'm kinda stuck on that. Even when I eat a normal portion, I find myself picking at junk food alot. Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid this, it's really getting on my last nerve. I guess I'm one of those people that subtitute other stuff with food. And no Im not depressed. Thanks.
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2008/05/27, 03:50 PM
as far as junk food just don't buy it if its not in the house then it is not there to tempt you.substitute the junk food with healthy food.
Posts: 20
Joined: 2008/05/22
United States
2008/05/27, 04:18 PM
Thanks for responding Pensfan. What would you suggest a healthy alternative for the junk food will be. Also, one of the reasons why I can't completely disregard all junk foods from my home is because I have a room mate who could care less about what she eats. She's like 5'6' amd weighs 110lbs, doesn't help that she eats like there is no tomorrow. I guess there's something wrong with her. The temptation will always be there no matter what. I don't want to have to hide myself away from the junk food and be unhappy. I want to be able to see the junk food and shake it off and go for the healthy alternative. you know live in peace with it and myself. I just haven't figured out a way to do that.
Posts: 136
Joined: 2007/12/07
2008/05/27, 05:22 PM
My advice would be to take small steps. Make small changes slowly over time so that your body won't feel deprived of all of the junk....make alist of healthy eating habits you would like to have and implement one or two a week....have you signed up for a workout program on here yet?
Posts: 20
Joined: 2008/05/22
United States
2008/05/27, 06:31 PM
yeah, signed up last week, and I actually started my workout program yesterday. I swear every muscle in my body is aching but I have to say it felt great while I was doing it. It's amazing how good you feel not only inside and out. If this is how I feel after just one day, I can only imagine in the future. It had been awhile since I last worked out... a REALLY long while. Thank you for your suggestion, it is greatly appreaciated.
Posts: 249
Joined: 2007/09/20
United States
2008/05/27, 07:43 PM
Fill up on fruits and veggies. Also, start a food diary, tracking all your food intake and keep it somewhere far away from the food. You'll be much less inclined to eat unnecessary foods if it means having to get up and write it all down afterwards. Also, if you find that you've got a huge craving for chips or something, instead of eating them, get up and go for a walk. By the time you get back, chances are you won't want them anymore because you'll have forgotten. Good luck!
Posts: 6
Joined: 2008/05/08
United States
2008/06/14, 06:27 PM
Hello Tania. Just thought I'd share my 2cents with you. Drink lots and lots and lots of water. Its a great filler.

Peace be with you!
Posts: 20
Joined: 2008/05/22
United States
2008/06/15, 05:42 PM
Thanks. I think I used to drink something like 16oz of water a week (drank lots and lots of soda pop) :s I just recently started drinking lots of water and I have to say i'm never hungry and I get full quick once I sit down to eat a meal. I've personally found I don't like cold water lol, I drink dasani at room temperature (3 to 4 20oz bottles a day). I started doing quite a bit of excercise and started walking everywhere in this heat so I have to stay hydrated. Besides I really like the taste eventhough it is just filtered. Who would of known :D