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Joined: 2006/01/04 ![]() |
2006/01/11, 01:39 PM
some things make you happy in life but i learned that i can't be happy unless i am happy with myself.
i come from las vegas where there isn't anything but the whole fame thing where all the girls are to be skinny and topped notched to get anywhere in this town. i am 5'4 and 199 lbs. :love:my boyfreind:love: seems to think this is normal but realistically it is not.i go to the gym and we play tennis every chance we get but i don't ever see any results. my problem is i work to much and i am unhappy. will stress bring me extra lbs? we wolud like start a family but i don't think i am healthy enough so my body is rejecting any possiable things happenings. i come to the rest of te women on here and ask a simple but hard question how do i make myself happier with me. i tend to care what other people think when i walk down the street. i feel like they are stareing at me in disgust. is there anyone that can help me with this. how can i lose weight and feel more better about myself and my appearance? thank you for helping me with this...... :) |
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Joined: 2005/01/18 ![]() |
2006/01/11, 02:33 PM
Hi rdechant and welcome to FT. A good start to improving your self esteem is to start an active and healthy lifestyle today. Focus on what you like about yourself and forget about judging your looks against others. Get yourself in shape for your health and focus on that. If your already getting lots of exercise, then diet may be the key. Set yourself some goals and throw away the junk food and choose lean protiens, complex carbs and healthy fats for your diet. There is tons of nutritional and exercise info on this site so browse around and educate yourself on how to live healthy. Start with the thumbtacked info at the top of each forum. You'll be amazed at how your self esteem improves just by doing something good for yourself.
Good luck. -------------- Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. |
Joined: 2004/05/28 ![]() |
2006/01/11, 03:14 PM
Hi and welcome to FT!! Yes, nutrition plays a good part in our weight, what happens is that often people figure, "well, I worked out today, so I can sit down and eat that 16 oz steak and potatoes, have a beer", but if you sit down and figure what you have honestly been eating, you may find it different. I mentioned in another post how my husband would eat two apple pies in a day, 3 Mountain Dews, usually a bisquit w/sausage, three pieces of deep fried chicken, other snacks, and a huge supper, he was taking in an amazing 5,000 calories on some days and though he figured he "could" as he is a diesel mechanic and moving around and on his feet, he wasn't moving THAT much and put on over 60 pounds in the past 12 years. We played tennis all last fall and he didn't lose a pound, nor did I for that matter as I had slacked off on watching what I ate, though I didn't gain either.
So take a peek at what you are eating, the calories, fat calories, carbs, etc. and you may be doing yourself a favor! Good luck to you!! -------------- Veda A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944) Just live life and enjoy it! |
Joined: 2006/01/11 ![]() |
2006/01/11, 03:19 PM
I am a 22 yr old female from MO, and I am sick and tired of looking in the mirror and seeing these fat thighs and this gut that I have accomplished to keep for a few years! PLEASE if you know some work outs that can blast my butt into shape let me know... Jaclyn:(
Joined: 2004/05/28 ![]() |
2006/01/11, 08:35 PM
There are some great workouts here at FT in the exercise area. Try some lunges and squats, those are killers, do a great job, but there is no such thing as spot reduction as far as losing the weight, you can increase the muscle but while there is any fat on top, it will still look fat until you burn it away. I would suggest a cardio and weight lifting workout combination along with good nutrition, all of which you will find great posts here at FT by doing searches at the FitBuddy at the bottom.
Welcome to FT! -------------- Veda A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944) Just live life and enjoy it! |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2006/01/12, 08:57 AM
Good answers - everyone!
rdechant - you need to decide that you are worth taking care of and you need to focus on the things that are great about you that are not related to appearnace - appearance is an ever-changing and objective thing to measure your self-worth by,. You are not the sum of your appearance - you are probably funny, fun to be with, smart, talented in many other areas. I thinko nce you accept yourself for the great person you are - no matter what you weigh - you will find that eating right and exercising become enjoyable instead of a chore. I struggle constantly with defining myself by my physique - I get very down on myself if i am overweight. I say mean things to myself in the mirror, I get disgusted with myself.. but I realize that those behaviors are symptoms of a deeper dissatisfaction. I have to like myself heavy to like myself fit - because there are plenty of miserable skinny people out there - being skinny isn't going to make you happy, pre se. But I do believe that being happy can make you skinny. Sit down and make some lists - things you love about yourself, things you are good at. Read those lists when you feel insecure. I used to think that people were staring at me and judging me when i was really heavy...then when i was extremely fit, my husband pointed out that I still thought people were looking at me like i was an alien. He pointed out that most people stare at you because they are insecure and they are comparing themselves to you. Or, as my Mom pointed out to me once - Have you ever considered that people look at you because you are beautiful? present the best you that you can to the world and be confident - you will turn heads because of the positive energy you radiate! -------------- I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. - Henry David Thoreau |
2006/01/12, 09:53 AM
JEM best exercises for thighs imo are deadlifts and squats...start doing reps of 10-15... for 1-5 sets...
RDE...going to the gym doesn't mean you're doing something well....I don't mean this discouragingly but I know many people who 'go to the gym all the time' and yet see no results because they are training less than optimally....also playing tennis 'every chance you get' doesn't sound very often.... once a week? twice a week? once every couple of weeks? it's not a very definitive statement.....you need to be doing consistant full body weight training using compound free weight exercises....squats, deadlifts, rows, pulldowns, dips, etc...this is how you get results...doing curls and crunches for example for million sets and reps accomplishes nothing.....also you need to do cardiovascular training 3-4 days a week....of at least 30 minutes of moderate-intense...usually 30-60 minutes...at the best pace you can sustain....or doing intervals.... Also as already pointed out...watch EVERYTHING you put in your mouth....often condiments, sauces, marinades, etc are not counted but they do add up...add up all the liquid calories...many people are surprised to find that they can drink away 1000 or more calories daily.......focus on eating many small nutritious meals and snacks daily.....5-8....and drink plenty of water around 1 gallon..... | |
Joined: 2002/09/24 ![]() |
2006/01/12, 12:16 PM
Girls, listen to menace! Great, great suggestions as always. Everything he sets here has brought definite results for myself. Don't kid yourself and think that this is a short, fast fix, staying healthy is a lifestyle, not a limited time event, LIFESTYLE. In order to get fit and stay fit you have to alter your daily living. Once you have this ingrained in your brain, you will see the results you want.
-------------- Bettia.... You will only be remembered for the things that you finish, not the things that you start! ravenbeauty@freetrainers.com |
2006/01/13, 03:21 AM
exactly raven!...lifestyle...people who have a hard time understanding that...need to print out ....'Fitness is a way of LIFE(or a Lifestyle)' and put it on their refrigerator or another place they will see it daily.....many people think if I can get the motivation to change my habits or follow some crazy diet for 6 months and drop 30-50 lb ...then I will be happy or be set for life...but that's a wrong approach to take....as asimmer pointed out you first need to like yourself for who you are(this doesn't mean liking the shape you're currently in....but hey it's something that you can change with consistancy and persistence) and secondly realizing that you must make the effort to change your whole lifestyle to get results....fitness is for life....period....