2001/06/21, 01:28 PM
I have been working out for nearly five years now. Only in the last year or so have I stopped getting sore. During my workout my muscles burn but about 10 minutes after I finish, the pain is all gone and I never get sore at all. However, I'm building muscle better than I ever have. What does this mean? What's happening? Mical.
2001/06/22, 01:29 AM
your muscles are probably adapted to the load u are using or to the routine you hang on. what u can do is vary the exercises or # reps or amount of weight used to stunt the muscles again
2001/06/22, 09:05 AM
As you workout over time, existing blood vessels get larger and new blood pathways are formed. With this increased circulation of blood to the muscles, it pushes out a lot of the lactic acid that would normally build-up and cause it to hurt/burn for an extended period of time after the muscles are used. Simply put, you're not getting sore because you have good circulation. As long as you are still making gains and you're workouts are good and intense, you have nothing to worry about.
2001/06/24, 03:27 PM
Mical, are you taking any extra/new vitamins? I too started to have less soreness after a good work out after increasing my intake of Vitamin E and supplementing with BCAA.
2001/06/24, 04:36 PM
Yes, francorenu, I am taking L-Ornithine, L-Arginine, and L-Glutamine. I am also taking vitamin E, and vitamin B. Mical