2005/07/07, 01:50 PM
So here is where I stand. SO I used to weigh in at a scale tipping 315lbs (due to a thyroid problem) teen weight was average 190lbs. So problem fixed and down to 200lbs (Thank You Ephedra & the elliptical machine), then started weight training and back up to 215lbs. So now I am stuck with a lot of loose skin and spare tire and all the other residuals of an ex fatty. So I am considering plastic surgery for the excess skin. My weight training/strengths have gotten a lot better I really would like to drop another 10-15lbs but of course Xenadrine RFA1 is off the market. I am taking NO2 and the results are decent. I still have lots of ephedra left over but none work as well as the Xenadrine did. I am not currently taking any other supplements. So I am just at a lost right now. I am very proud of the weight loss but I would like to feel comfortable taking off my shirt again!
2005/07/07, 02:16 PM
By the way what is Ephedra?
Why dont u just start working out heavy and try to bulk up to fill up all the excess loose skin and take some bulking up supplements?
2005/07/08, 03:56 PM
personally I would get off of any dieting pill. Just monitor your eating habits, and start hitting the cardio really hard. Alot of those pills are hard on your heart, and also you truely don't know what they are going to do to you in the long run. Since you are a guy, I agree with zak about just bulking up to take care of the excess skin issue. good luck and welcome to ft.
2005/07/12, 05:54 PM
Ewww Ephedra. We used to take these things called yellow-jackets back in college to stay up for 2-3 days at a time to get our programs in. I've had some nasty times with ephedra.