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Joined: 2004/01/25 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 02:16 PM
I was just wondering...I know that the general consensus here is that muscle on Men is sexy, but how does this compare to the overall womens population's opinion. Maybe this can help many men get a tip or two or even movtivation from all the womens inputs.....THE MEN WOULD LIKE TO KNOW!:big_smile:..
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Joined: 2004/02/21 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 02:54 PM
To be honest it doesn't really matter what you look like as long as you've got plenty of money:laugh:
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 03:04 PM
I have to disagree about the money, although I have enjoyed several men with money. You may interpret that any way that pleases you. :cool:
A beautiful body is where it's at for me. Tall, tan, well-muscled, lightly furred chest, fabulous little butt and extremely intelligent. I could go on here, but the trusty moderators would probably have me banned and I'm upsetting myself. Sigh.... -------------- Anni Never pet a burning dog. |
Joined: 2004/02/21 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 03:07 PM
I was joking about the money
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 03:08 PM
I wasn't. -------------- Anni Never pet a burning dog. |
2004/04/08, 03:11 PM
anni, do go on about the body, it makes me hot. My wife likes it when I'm hot.-------------- A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it. Charlie | |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 03:14 PM
Somehow I knew you were lurking in the shadows on this one. :love:-------------- Anni Never pet a burning dog. |
2004/04/08, 03:15 PM
That burning dog is hot too I'll bet.-------------- A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/09/29 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 03:41 PM
charlie; your going to be sent to the porch...
Joined: 2004/01/25 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 04:06 PM
lol.....so is it true about money, power, respect rather than physical apperance....so your saying if its all about money then we are just wasting our time to look good?? just a question.....:big_smile:
Joined: 2003/02/18 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 04:36 PM
I totally disagree with the money thing. That is not enough, nor does it make one (like me, I guess :( happy - I am there, and I am going to give it all up and go off alone and possibly become a lot less well off than I am now. But I will be happier/better off. It is soooo not enough.
Now, respect, that's an entirely different matter knuhkles. It is very important. And confidence, if power translates in to confidence, well that is incredibly sexy. As to the muscles, well I am not going to lie and say nahhhh lol - they ARE sexy!! :big_smile:Not only are they physically appealing, it goes to show that a person has chosen a particular lifestyle of health and fitness and they care about themselves, so that in turn makes me respect them for it. just my .02 cents:) |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 06:03 PM
A man that will pay attention to your needs is sexy...
A man that will pay for dinner and ignore all your other needs, is not. A confident man is sexy... A confident man that talks down to others and who assumes there is none as smart as he, is not. A respectful man is sexy... A respectful man that is only pretending to be respectful so that he can get in your pants, is not. A fabulous man is sexy... A fabulous man that cannot give you a compliment on your looks without wanting one in return, is not. A man that is helpful around the house is sexy. A man that is helpful around the house but does not do a damn thing unless you ask him, is not. And lastly... A man with muscles is sexy... A man with muscles who's closet only contains shirts to show them off, is not. |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/08, 07:09 PM
Nobody said it was all about money. Trust me, if you don't look good, it doesn't matter how much money you have.
============ Quoting from knuhkles: lol.....so is it true about money, power, respect rather than physical apperance....so your saying if its all about money then we are just wasting our time to look good?? just a question.....:big_smile: ============= -------------- Anni Never pet a burning dog. |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/09, 12:05 AM
bhardy you assume a great deal, most of which is incorrect. I can and do take care of myself financially and I do extremely well. I don't struggle with relationships because of school, I make time for the people who matter. As for your remark about my being horney, whether I am or not, I still prefer a man who takes care of himself and looks good. Do you date ugly women who don't take pride in their appearance? I doubt it.-------------- Anni Never pet a burning dog. |
Joined: 2001/10/19 ![]() |
2004/04/09, 02:19 AM
A good man for me?
Somebody who can make me smile, who can surprise me and make me feel oh so safe when I'm in his arms....... :love: -------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur. www.nme-pro.com |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2004/04/09, 09:45 AM
He opens doors. he changes diapers. He hugs when I am cranky and having a tantrum. He is strong, physically and mentally. He sticks around to follow through on his commitments.
Funny, my husband and I had a discussion the other day about what is tough and manly. he said 'I don't know if i am tough." (he wa talking about the guys he knows who lie to their wives, have kids with many women and don't support them, live alone and have spendy toys, lots of free time, etc.) This from a guy manly enough to put his family first. Man enough to raise his child. Man enough to go to work every day to support his family. Tougher than most, I would say. Looking good doesn't hurt, money comes and goes, but manners and respect and honesty go a lot further for me.:) -------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight. |
Joined: 2004/02/21 ![]() |
2004/04/10, 05:51 AM
muscles might make you look in the first place and if a guy's in really bad shape you might never look but that's as far as it goes. To keep my interest the most important thing is making me laugh - my husband is easily the funniest guy I've met. As far as money goes it is not important at all - generosity is more important (not that I want stuff from a bloke but being mean is probably the least attractive thing ever)
but don't let that stop you from working out - I will never stray from my husband but it's always nice to see people who are pleasing to the eye - keep up the good work :) |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2004/04/12, 03:35 PM
women have make-up...........men have porche's .any guy in a porche a women can find somthing that they like about him lol. "New hair cut, and shave and that 70 yr old man might be kinda cute".........j/k everyone.-------------- .......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records! ......minds are not vessles to be filled, but fires to be enlightened ......Confucious once said ,DO NOT play leap frog with a unicorn |
Joined: 2004/02/25 ![]() |
2004/04/12, 04:11 PM
Women always goes on about how they want men that are funny and can make them laugh, but to be honest those are the type of guys that usually becomes the "freind" and nothin else :)
bigandrew, I know some guys who wear make up..hehe. |
Joined: 2002/01/20 ![]() |
2004/04/12, 04:31 PM
I like a man who doesn't try and steel my wife! j/k-------------- "A will finds a way, failure is not an option" Ivan carivan@freetrainers.com Montreal Canada |
Joined: 2003/09/19 ![]() |
2004/04/12, 07:41 PM
Just got myself a new car now im broke and this girl I was seeing off and on told me I couldnt afford her now....I slapped her j/k lol.......Im going to have to disagree with that whole tan thing....Every girl I talked told me being to dark is gross and told me I looked mexican (not that their is anything wrong with that) but I was really pale....So I kind of laid off of going to the tanning bed.
Joined: 2004/02/21 ![]() |
2004/04/13, 05:02 AM
I really like pale skin especially with dark hair - but maybe that's just a Scottish thing (people don't get tans in Scotland)
Oh and absolutely has to be better at pool than I am or I just won't respect him. The car thing is actually important - I went out with a guy a few years ago who worked out and was quite big but he drove about in a Micra - I don't know if you've got them in the US but basically they are these tiny 1L joke cars and I just couldn't take him seriously in one of those - so he had to go! |
Joined: 2004/03/16 ![]() |
2004/04/14, 03:31 PM
Girls don't like boy's, they like cars and money, lol. Sorry this seems to be my experience. My last g/f was all ok when I was bringing in the dough and buying her what she wanted, and when I was fooled and got ingaged (hope I spelt that right)though I took away from myself (including food) to get that ring, but when I was laid off and went on un-employement she was how should I say it, offed by me and in the end she's with a dude that doesn't have much for a personality but has enough money to party with and get drunk all the time. Go figure, the nice guy finish's last. But thats just the things I got her and only about 10% of what I gave to the relationship. I look back now and wonder why I was so blind?:cool: It's all good now, I've learnt my lesson. Be nice but not to nice.-------------- A determined mind is the best weapon in any situation, a strong body is the road to victory. G.R.C. |
Joined: 2004/04/12 ![]() |
2004/04/14, 11:39 PM
honestly i don't care about the man just give me the money....lol. No actually my husband is very good looking and also very very sweet. I have the best of both worlds. although we are struggling right now (financially) we are still happy. One of his cousins got married 4 days after us, had a huge catholic church wedding and everything. His entire family thought they would last a lifetime and we would not because of that. The ironic thing is they divorced before their anniversary because we have been told he wouldn't buy her a new bedroom suite. My husband and I have been married for 6 years this coming May. We have proved alot of people wrong and we love rubbing it in their faces.
Joined: 2004/02/10 ![]() |
2004/04/15, 12:22 AM
I don't care if the guy has a car and money, as long as I don't have to drive him around in my car and buy him stuff. LOL :big_smile:
Joined: 2002/08/13 ![]() |
2004/04/15, 05:43 AM
personally i pref. a sincere man, regardless of financial standing and muscle mass. Money and muscle don't even figure in a man in my eyes. And actually u could throw this one back at the guys and ask if muscle on a women is sexy?
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2004/04/15, 12:48 PM
Maybe part of the problem is that all of the 'nice' 'funny' 'less-income-bringing-in' men expect supermodels to chase them down and be constantly on their (moderator self edit).
I know plenty of guys who would only date girls for certain physical attributes, while the smartest, sweetest girls sat on the sidelines. It goes both ways, boys. Try meeting women someplace that stresses different values than bars or nightclubs... maybe you will have better luck. -------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight. |
2004/04/15, 12:55 PM
My wife says I can't meet women in bars ....period. Whats up with that???-------------- A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it. Charlie | |
Joined: 2004/03/16 ![]() |
2004/04/15, 01:50 PM
Lol, I'm not a bar or club goer, once in a great while, and I've been in relationships with girls who most would consider way below super model standards. Just the same as you girls say, personality plays a role in my relationships, I don't want to be with someone who is completely rotten to the core, though I have been blind sided before. It just seems to be my experience that they leave me when 1) I don't have alot of money or 2) Things get hard and they need to put some work into the relationship too. Just wish I could find the girl that is funny, smart, attractive (either physically or personality or both)that would be willing to put the 110% effort into a relationship as I try to do. I hope I don't sound shallow, but if I really like/love the person that I'm in a relationship with, I'm willing to go to the end's and middle of he** for that person, I've done it before (whether the person to most would be considered phyiscally ugly by others or not). But as it stands for now, to have someone that really cares is just a dream and I need to focus on my life and what I need to do to get going again.:cool:-------------- A determined mind is the best weapon in any situation, a strong body is the road to victory. G.R.C. |
Joined: 2004/03/16 ![]() |
2004/04/15, 01:54 PM
And in response to babyg25, in my eyes, toned muscle on a girl is attractive, to much muscle is repulsive, no offense just personal preference (though there are some musceled girls that I have seen that kinda topple the charts over). I guess it's just that fear of a girl being able to use me as their rag doll, lol, J/K:big_smile:.-------------- A determined mind is the best weapon in any situation, a strong body is the road to victory. G.R.C. |
Joined: 2004/02/11 ![]() |
2004/04/15, 02:36 PM
Ask five different people, you'll get five different answers. That's the beauty of it, there's no accounting for taste.
I love broad strong shoulders to lean on, rock hard biceps to hold onto walking down the sidewalk, a trim abdomen pressed against mine and a tight booty to squeeze. If I could get my dear husband into the gym a few more times a week, I'd have them, too!! |
Joined: 2003/09/19 ![]() |
2004/04/15, 03:16 PM
Just curious....Im a college student living w/ my parents and owning a new car....Would it be better for myself to get an apartment or keep living w/ parents???...Getting apartments means=Broke doing nothing but living on own...Living w/ parents=Only cell phone and car payment-Money to spend on what I want and go on vacation and things like that just have fun!....Sometimes I feel I havent "got" the girl because im still at home.
Also muscles on women are very sexy babyg25...Watching worlds strongest women competition is like porn for me :) ============ Quoting from babyg25: personally i pref. a sincere man, regardless of financial standing and muscle mass. Money and muscle don't even figure in a man in my eyes. And actually u could throw this one back at the guys and ask if muscle on a women is sexy? ============= |
Joined: 2004/03/16 ![]() |
2004/04/15, 05:00 PM
Lol goldengloves
Also muscles on women are very sexy babyg25...Watching worlds strongest women competition is like porn for me Myself I'd say stay in college and keep the money and worry about the girl when you got the degree. Have fun and don't worry about the opposite sex so much (easier said than done). If a girl doesn't like you because you live with your parents then she's not worth your time dude, you have goals you want to accomplish.:cool: -------------- A determined mind is the best weapon in any situation, a strong body is the road to victory. G.R.C. |
Joined: 2004/02/11 ![]() |
2004/04/15, 05:11 PM
Yep.. stay at home 'til they kick you out!
Might I suggest saving a little instead of spending on what you want, vacations, and having fun, then when you get your apartment you won't be broke? Naah who am I kidding. I sure didn't do it. :cool: |