2004/06/23, 01:24 PM
So - scrambled tofu at breakfast, soy milk on your oatmeal.
They make vegan protein powders - my cousin found a rice based one she really liked. There are also soy powders.
But if you take dairy, whey or a whey casein blend will be a superior source of the essential amino acids/protein you need.
Also - as a vegetarian you need to be sure you are getting enough b-vitamins and iron, the lack of iron can cause fatigue.
\\"Inscribe this on the charm that dangles from your navel, girls. Guys, tattoo this on your biceps:
Building muscle and might builds strong minds and character. Respect and humility come from lifting weights and feeding yourself with care. And from these distinguished qualities a great nation of people is built, by God. (Of course the God part is your choice, friend.)\\" Dave Draper
2004/06/22, 07:44 PM
well im sorry if the title alarmed you its not that serious, but i dont know what to do. i just started this swim camp and its 6 am -8 am and some days weight training afterwards and then i come home and im starving so i eat breakfast and then i eat all day because i think im hungary but im not and then i feel like crap but i try to stop myself and it works sometimes but heres the thing its mon-fri and its intense so im exhausted all day so i either do something with my friends which is usually hanging out at someones house and eating alot or laying around which mean eating out of boredom im confused:surprised:
-------------- Mary
2004/06/22, 09:52 PM
Its really not how much you eat, its WHAT you eat. I've found that I eat way more since I started working out, but I eat very healthy. Instead of chips, have some fruit, or nuts. There are so many alternatives. It also helps if you tell your friends and those you spend alot of time with that you are trying to eat healthier. Then they will be less likely to tempt you with that pizza. Hope that helped!
2004/06/23, 02:47 AM
Be sure to have a smallmeal containing protein and complex carbohydrates before swimcamp - an hour before and it shouldn't bother you, but will give you some additional energy. bring a protein shake or bar for after swimming and before weight training - if your coach has a problem with this, they need to update their sports nutrition knowledge.
You will eat more all day when you don't eat enough early in the day.
Make sure you are drinking enough water.
Eat 5-6 small meal a day - protein at each meal will help you stay full, as will fibrous carbs like vegetables and whole grains. Add a little fat and you will feel good for about 3 hours, then it is time to eat again.
Try keeping a food journal for a while - if you have to write down what you are eating, you may be less likely to snack all day (I think once you get enough food in, in 5-6 small meals your all-day snacking will disappear).
Be sure you are getting enough rest. Being exhausted isn't good for you and will hamper your performance.
\\"Inscribe this on the charm that dangles from your navel, girls. Guys, tattoo this on your biceps:
Building muscle and might builds strong minds and character. Respect and humility come from lifting weights and feeding yourself with care. And from these distinguished qualities a great nation of people is built, by God. (Of course the God part is your choice, friend.)\\" Dave Draper
2004/06/23, 12:15 PM
thank you so much for your wonderful advice and the protein was a great and suitable idea due to the fact i am a vegetarian and dont get protein from fish and chicken and so on so that will help out alot thank you.
-------------- Mary