Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

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I need help losing fat in certain areas!

Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/11/18
United States
2003/11/18, 03:54 PM
Ok, I'm a guy, I'm 18 years old, I am 5ft 11inches tall, and I weigh about 155 pounds..... I used to weigh 185 pounds two years ago but I lost a lot of weight since then by dieting and exercising as much as I could.. and I've maintained the same weight for a year now... my major problem is that I'm not grossly overweight, but I have a big gut, and I have more boobage (lol.. yes, boobage) than I would want.... How do you get rid of fat on my chest (makes me look like i have breasts (It's not as bad as I'm making it seem, but it really pisses me off and its embarrassing).. I've seen a lot of overweight people with that, and I've seen some really fat people without the boobage.. what causes that and how do I get rid of that? And I've been trying to get rid of this gut for a very long time... those two things are basically all I want to get rid of. Can someone help me?
Posts: 179
Joined: 2003/04/13
United States
2003/11/18, 04:02 PM
You must lose weight overall again there is no such thing as spot reduction when it comes to fat. Make sure your diet is clean and you are lifting some weights. Everybody carries excess weight differently. Begining weight training can help you "reshape" your body including your chest. Good luck
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2003/11/25, 06:32 PM
also u have to reamember if u lost alot of weight then that skin has been stretched quite a bit, unfortunally not much u can do for streched skin, but u can feel it back up with muscle.....and yes not mater what u read u can't "spot" reduce

---andrew.......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!
Posts: 115
Joined: 2003/10/28
United States
2003/11/25, 11:46 PM
wow im 5'11 152lbs and im skinny as goal weight is actually 185lb lol ..but bowers said if your not already lifting...start! and try and run alot of cardio and playing sports makes sure your always active and before no time you wont be complaining about any man boobage lol
Posts: 9
Joined: 2003/12/16
United States
2003/12/18, 06:09 PM
Im a female. My perspective, is you are UNDERWEIGHT IF ANYTHING....
My husband is 5'10, 190 LBS (I like em... nevermind)
And is a little pudgy, but 175 was PERFECT
So quit stressin. Im sure you look great. Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I have a little pudge goin on, too. lol :)
Posts: 1
Joined: 2003/12/25
United States
2003/12/25, 07:50 PM
Dear anyone who could help,
I am about 20 years old and I need to lose weight. I got to around 110lbs which is a good weight for me b/c I am kinda short,5'4. But as soon as school started again I gained slowly 5 pounds and it wasn't to noticeable, and then I gained a couple more and then I just went off any form of diet all together. I don't know what to do now. I weigh around 125 and I look ok but compared to 110 I look kinda fat. I need a diet that works fast and that I can actually do. Any ideas? Please send me some feedback!
Posts: 13
Joined: 2003/11/20
United States
2003/12/26, 10:42 AM
hey elsydeon could u give me some idea of what i could im in the same boat that you were.
Posts: 13
Joined: 2003/11/20
United States
2003/12/26, 10:43 AM
hey elsydeon could u give me some idea of what i could im in the same boat that you were.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/11/18
United States
2004/01/25, 11:18 AM

Quoting from powerman990:

hey elsydeon could u give me some idea of what i could im in the same boat that you were.

I've analyzed and over analyzed it, and my conclusion is basically what everyone here's said... except i noticed something most people dont really think of. Most of my weight has been composed of fat. not muscle. There are guys who weigh 160 and are very in shape and look good, cuz its mostly muscle weight. But there are guys 160 pounds who are mostly fat and look horrible. The trick is dont look at the scale, look in the mirror. If you dont like what you see, you do something about it. You cant lose weight in certain areas (spot reduction), but you CAN lose weight in those areas by losing overall weight. Jog more, bike ride, workout, you dont need weight loss machines, just some determination. You dont have to workout very vigorously, or diet excessively, but as long as you change the day to day routine (pizza for lunch, burgers, etc.. drive your car 3 miles everyday.. to like... eat fries and a drink, and ride your bike 3 miles to that same destination) you will lose weight. OR if you really want big results you can work out once, twice, 3 times a day, w.e. Just do stuff.. cuz once you start, you get into it, and you actually start enjoying morning jogs, (when before they felt like torture). Yup... hmmm.. i wrote too much.. lol. Peace guys.
