Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

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I need to BULK!!!

Posts: 12
Joined: 2006/06/01
United States
2006/06/01, 10:53 PM
Just thought that Id say I love this message board! Everyone seems to know what their talking about, that being said I need some help! I am 6 foot 160 lbs, 19 yrs, and I need to bulk up, and stay lean enough to play wide reciever in football. So far the supplements that I am taking are NO2, One-A-Day multivitamin, and Whey Protien. As far as nutrition I eat 3 big meals a day, i just dont have the time to eat 8 differnt times during the day. Here is my exercise schedule (I lift religously!!!)
Bench 5x3
Incline Bench (Dumbell) 8x3
pulldowns front and behind 8x3
barbell curls and dumbell curls 8x3
(I dont know the name of the exercise but you hold a dumbell over your head and lower it slowly behind your back)8x3
upright row 8x3

Squat 5x3 sometimes 8x3
calf raises 15x3
lunges with dumbell 8x3

bench 5x3
incline bench (barbell) 8x3
21's (barbell) (7 lower curls, 7 upper curls, 7 full curls 3 times each)
chest press 8x3
upright row 8x3
dumbell curls 8x3
ticep extension 8x3

I also run 3 miles everyday

So far my workout has been doing good but I am not getting bigger fast enough! I have been lifting since January adn have only increased my bench 10 lbs and I havent gained a single pound!!!

I also was wodnering if anyone has any comments about the NO2, Did it work well for you? I heard a rumor that you are not supposed to take protien shakes with it, true?

Another question, can you overwork a muscle group by doing to many excersises focusing on it?

Haha, also I am looking to up my speed, any ideas on good excersis/techniques to help me? I am going to try out for college football next year, I play wide reciever and I need help with speed the most! Also if aynone has anything that I can practice to help with my recieving skills that would be very much appreciated!

Im done now, any comments would be appreciated greatly!