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I need to burn the fat of my 6 pack help

Posts: 8
Joined: 2004/11/17
United States
2004/11/17, 11:56 AM
I do alot of abb work and i am very in shape But I cant burn the fat of my abbs!!!! any tips of a good fat burning diet or workout or somthing ..anything will help
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2004/11/17, 12:50 PM
reduction of calories man, sorry to say is the only way.

Cardio, and diet.......IF you consume 3000 cal a day...and burn 3500, then you -500 for the day, and that comes from fat, for themost part. Keep protein high, that should limit fat loss.

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United States
2004/11/17, 02:42 PM
Protein is the key for any goals that you want in fitness. That and Carbs.

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2004/11/17, 03:49 PM
EFA's play a big role as well, people relate fat loss to no fat in their diet when this is not true 10-20% depending on your goals of your total calories should come from good healthy fats. Don't forget that just not any carbs will do you want complex carbs slow digesting and ones that will have little to no effect on you blood surgar.
Posts: 8
Joined: 2004/11/17
United States
2004/11/17, 07:48 PM
thx for your posts ... but should i do more abb work or just go on a hard core fat burning diet? THx
2004/11/18, 07:41 AM
what is your ab workout? generally speaking abs are like any other muscle group, so you must work it till failure in order to get if you can do 50 crunches, you should strive to progress every work 51, 52, etc..

generally speaking 1-3 workouts a week is enough..where you do 2-4 exercises for maybe 10-12 sets total..1-2 exercises for abs and 1-2 for obliques...

TO burn more fat/calories...try taking a caffeine pill(200mg) once or twice a day in the morning and early can get a generic to 'nodoz' for very cheap like 100 for 3.99 or something...this is the primary ingredient in many much more expenssive fat burners...also I drink very dark tea.. as far as I read...tea has been shown to have good results on burning has caffeine plus other beneficial compounds like polyphenols if i am not mistaken...

But like andrew pointed out, only way to get well defined abs is to create caloric deficit in your diet and lose weight. While you do this make sure you take in at least
1g of protein per pound of body weight to limit muscle loss...also as justin suggested take essential fatty acids or fish oil....both have been shown to help spare muscle during dieting..

to control appetite look for hoodia has been shown to be very effective...think anna nicole's the primary ingredient of trimspa...although you should take higher dosage then trimspa of 125mg..which is barely effective..i am sure she took much mroe than that...also look for gettign just the ingredient itself online w/o other unnecessary garbage added...

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United States
2004/11/18, 09:02 PM
Diet is the key to abs. Tap into your fat stores, deplete them with proper diet, and if you have built abs they will show. Nothing secret or mysterious about it.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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United States
2004/11/19, 01:13 PM don't haveto go to failure every set. That don't make sense, you said abbs ar elike any other muscle, you don't train all the muscles in your body to failure do you? IF you did you'd overtrain.

IF you do the crunch right you shoudl do no more than 25 at a time.I can do 100 half ass crunches and see no results, or do 25 good complete contractions of the abbs, and see better results. As for the obliques,I hea ryou do to many it makes your waist apear thicker.So i'd limit to train those 1 time a week or so. Just my opinion.

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Posts: 8
Joined: 2004/11/17
United States
2004/11/23, 07:38 PM
thx for all your posts:big_smile: