Group: Experienced Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 50, Messages: 19484

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I never got this

Posts: 84
Joined: 2001/01/08
United States
2002/06/24, 08:03 PM
Hey. I still don't understand how eating like 6 times a day would make you lose weight? aren't you eating more calories this way? I know all about it, I did body for life. I stopped eating 6 times a day a while back and I just eat when I'm hungry, and im still sorta in good shape but not nearly as cut as i was eating 6 times a day. How does this work? I know about the metabolism and all but how could eating more make you more lean?
Posts: 665
Joined: 2001/03/27
United States
2002/06/24, 08:54 PM
Well I don't follow a diet but I thought about that before and its just so that you can eat less over the course of the day.. if you eat smaller meals every few hours your less likely to just go overboard and overeat in just a few meals... say for maybe lunch when you eat 3x a day you eat a 600 calorie meal.. but if you split that up and say eat something thats 250 cal an hour or two before lunch then another 250 at lunch.. your probably going to 'feel' just as well off and would of taken in less calories overall... i'm not sure if thats totally right... i think someone else explained this exact same thing in another thread a long time ago.. maybe a search?
Posts: 95
Joined: 2001/08/16
2002/06/24, 09:44 PM
ur 6 meals include quality food not junk as u would eat if u wouldnt watch ur diet.. yes u gain weight if u eat 6 meals a day with lots of calories with it...

You need to calculate the amount of carb/protien of each meal and see the total ... u wana low total of carb and high total of protien for "cuting" stage...

eating every time u are hungry wont get u any where... remeber what u eat is the most important thing... i would say eating and sleeping is as important as ur workouts(IF NOT MORE IMPORTANT)


Posts: 142
Joined: 2002/06/12
United States
2002/06/24, 10:58 PM
Each of your six meals tend to be a bit smaller than a typical meal from the 3 meal-a-day routine.

Every time you eat, your body has to expend additional calories to digest the food.

Also, by keeping a steady supply of food in your stomach, you keep your insulin at a more consistant level and avoid yo-yoing insulin levels.

When you eat frequently, you body is "tricked" into thinking that there is plenty of food and thus it will keep your metobolism from going into starvation mode (which usually happens to people who have a dramatic drop in caloric intake and rarely eat).

There are a lot of physiological reasons why eating more frequently helps you lose weight. I tried to give you the basics.

Hope this helps answer you question :)

*The prettygentleone isn't so gentle anymore! ^v^
--The second you quit, then it's official - you're a failure.
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/06/25, 02:03 AM
Yes it's all a question about the metabolism...... AND from every meal you'll burn around 200-300 calories just from the digestion.

Logical (if you don't eat more total daily calories) you'll loose weight....

- Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....