Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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I think I torn my bicep muscle up!!!!

Posts: 1
Joined: 2010/06/09
United States
2010/06/09, 05:46 PM
Hi guys I'm new to this.I signed up for this site hoping to find help.I just started working out I was a work out freak when I was in high school but everything changed when I got i'm single and I wanted a new image,I was stressed out when she left so started working out with 35 dumbells and lots and lots of pull ups and crunches.I've got a lots of compliments from girls saying I have a nice body just need to get a little bigger I weight 174 and I'm 5'11".so I hit the gym for the first time.I did 20 mins cardio,bench press and other stuff so I was feeling pumped and my work out friends moved onto to butterflies with the dumbells. I did my first set of 10 then the second round I was on my 8th when I tried bringing it up I felt like my muscles shut down and my arm bent back and I felt a gnarly pain along with a ripping sound I felt weakness and I dropped the weight and then I thought I broke my arm but how was I moving it then I started thinking I ripped a I went to the parmacy and got me some ibuprofen and icy hot gel.I applied that after taking a hot day I had a big bruise so I didnt think it was right so went and saw a told me I have to go see an orthopedic right away so doctor called orthopedic he cant see me until the next day cuz he is too busy.until then he told me to get some x-ray so he can see whats going on.the doctor gave me some painkillers I feel a lot better already taking them there still a pain around my shoulder when I put weight on it or try to pick up something heavy which I'm staying away from picking up heavy today I went to see the orthopedic he checks me and he doesnt see anything abnormal on the xray but x-ray its not well detailed so I gotta get a MRI fml.I dont have insurance and I'm I just spent all my saving because here in georgia you wont get treated unless you paid in full at front.he said he thinks I might have pulled the tendon or either I ripped it I dont know.I just want to know if the bruise on it its normal.He wouldnt tell me when I ask my bicep it has completely turn purple there no pain like I said unless I pick something heavy up.Help will be so much appreciated if any.sorry I wrote like a book in here I'm just really concerned about this and I'm out of money,going crazy and worried if I lose my arm thanks again and God bless you all.
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