2001/03/30, 10:05 AM
I think this is the number one question that every tean who is interested in bodybuilding wants to know:
1. This might not be appropriate to post but this has been on my mind for some time now but does your penis get smaller when you body build .
2001/03/30, 05:56 PM
well as you decrease the fat in the pubic area, and tone the lower ads, it actually gives it the allution of being larger.
2001/03/30, 08:25 PM
Steroids can affect the size. As a teen, you should not be concerned with steroid use - it would not be good for you.
As far as exersize/body building goes, you have nothing to worry about in that area.
2001/03/30, 08:44 PM
NO.........................People just say that, because their to lazy to workout, and it's a good excuse.
2001/03/30, 11:45 PM
from a womans point of view: ya know i think men worry more about their size than women do. you know that old saying "Its not the size that matters..........(i think you know the rest)
worry about staying healthy and strong.
2001/03/31, 04:17 AM
could you tell us from where did you get such thoughts.. it is the weirdest topic i've ever heard about in bodybuilding, but I agree with everybody it does not affect the penis in any way, unless you go on steroids and other stuff, but as a teenage you should stay away form that.
2001/03/31, 10:01 AM
Even if your on roids your penis don't shrink but your balls will. However, roids will make you lose your sex drive so therefore what good would it's size do any how?
2001/04/01, 01:02 AM
Believe it or not I've ran into other folks who believed this myth to be true. I'm glad that everyone shot this one down. Spedward made a good point about the reduction of fat in that area but I noticed that no one mentioned that being fit will make you a much better lover. If anything is true it's that being unfit may cause a reduction in bloodflow to the area making you less able to achive a full erection. I don't know that this is the case but I think it makes sense.
2001/04/03, 10:05 AM
what a great topic to discuss here..:-?