I am currently a college student athlete. I am about 5-10 190 with 21 percent body fat. I am currently taking the summer off from summer school. I will have approximately 15+ weeks to train on my own. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to an area on the website that could advise me on lowering bodyfat and gaining/maintaining muscle mass. I have lifted weights regularly since 10th grade, but it was mainly for strength and not for looks.
I am currently a college student athlete. I am about 5-10 190 with 21 percent body fat. I am currently taking the summer off from summer school. I will have approximately 15+ weeks to train on my own. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to an area on the website that could advise me on lowering bodyfat and gaining/maintaining muscle mass. I have lifted weights regularly since 10th grade, but it was mainly for strength and not for looks.