Group dedicated to men and women over the age of 40 that care about their health and want to take the fitness and nutrition down the right path.
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Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2007/02/25, 06:51 PM
Yeah, I am 55 now, and still lift heavy, but much less sets and volume, and I add in much more functional type work.
I think the old saying, train smarter, not harder is especially true for us 'old' folks. The smartest thing you can do is train for your lifestlye/needs. If powerlifting is not in your immediate future, then by all means, do not train for it. -------------- "If it ain't broke, you aren't trying." |
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2007/01/25, 12:43 PM
I joind this forum in May of 03. No doubt it's one of the best things I've ever done for my health and well being. I have successfully overhauled my diet, workouts and mental outlook by following the handy guides that FT and it's members provide.
I've run into a discouraging problem though. I realized long ago that as I age, many activities I participate in will become more difficult. That's the main reason I have stuck with it. I WANT TO DO ALL THE THINGS IN RETIREMENT THAT I CARE TO DO. I'm in good shape and very healthy. The problem is that lifting doesn't seem to help me in most of the activities I do now. I crawl around the bilge of our boat performing maintainance, I fish, I crab, I polish, I repair I build and to tell you the truth I pay for it in physical pain nearly every night from the days activities. See where I'm going? I am seriously considering dropping weights and changing more to an endurance, flexability/aerobic type workout. I'm having a hard time justifying the blood sweat and tears involved in lifting when I am getting so lousy a return on it. If my weight lifting doesn't help me live the life I want to, why do it. I'm not whinning. I'm looking for an alternative which will let me do what I want to do without the nightly pain. I'd love to hear from the older more experienced people here who may have found a way that I haven't. Thanks -------------- Sometimes life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2007/01/25, 12:47 PM
Hey so you admit to being a old fart? Had to man sorry. Anyway I know as my mom got older and she was lifting she had to scale it back. But I advised her not to stop the weight bearing exerices as it helps prevet brittle bones. Now you are not a woman (at least I think so, the Golden Girls reruns worry me), so bone loss is not as bad as it could be. I think if you started a more "maintenance" style routine with lighter weights and maybe a higher than usual rep range you see more benefit than trying to outdo a max lift.-------------- Curl Jockeys, get outta the squat rack! Warning:Deadlifting going on! |
Joined: 2006/05/19 ![]() |
2007/01/25, 12:57 PM
I dont have an answer for you...
but I like seeing your face around....:love: well...I have a very active man...goes hiking,golfing,camping,plays tennis...raquetball...all of it...AND he has a 4 year old adopted daughter...hes never been a weight lifter...but always very active in aerobic type activities...he says sometimes his knees bother him...and he gets more tired than he used to...but he still leads an incredibly active life....he's 59. -------------- "But more than anything, more than anything, My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, You never need to carry more than you can hold" My Wish Rascall Flats I sing this song to my kids...but I works for yall too.... |
2007/01/25, 01:10 PM
Thanks KC. I can still out work and out play most folks half my age. My knees, neck and lower back drive me to the advil bottle once or twice a week.
Mutt, I switched a while back to a circuit type work out and I do a lot of stretching and flexability stuff. I guess I'm looking for a guide to follow for older folk kind of like the FT routines. -------------- Sometimes life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2007/01/25, 01:43 PM
I'm going to get bashed for this but why not try out some Palates.
I'm a Professional Bowler thats off the lanes for awhile and have been for awhile but once I return I will become exactly what people seem to bark about and thats a person maintaining I'll be lifting around the same weight range all the time without putting the effort into gaining more strength. I'll need all the energy I can get on the lanes and lifting for me will become maintenance so I'll push my ass off now but time comes I'll have to stop the gains. Anyway just as I feel for myself if your doing something it's better then nothing and for what your saying your needs are Palates sound like a good route. You don't have to do the girly palates stuff but it has some good stretching and core stuff. -------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! |
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2007/01/25, 01:45 PM
Charlie sounds like you are on track.....just remember to train smarter not harder and you will be fine!-------------- Curl Jockeys, get outta the squat rack! Warning:Deadlifting going on! |
Joined: 2002/01/09 ![]() |
2007/01/25, 09:03 PM
Charlie - I had to knock off the heavy stuff about a year ago due to my travel. I started doing circuits in an attempt to maintain and it's worked fairly well. All those ol' fart pains aren't as noticeable. :)
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2007/01/26, 08:29 PM
Charlie...we all do not have to have tons of muscle. First off, health is the number one aspect.
If muscle is not a necessity in your lifestyle, then you do not have to work out for it. We all train for different things, as we all have different goals. If flexibility and endurance are your goals and assist your lifestyle, then you shouldn't have to ask what to do. I would suggest never giving up resistance training, this is ideal for anyone, but train towards muscle endurance. You can train for muscle strength or muscle endurance. The latter at this stage is what you want. -------------- "If it ain't broke, you aren't trying." |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2007/01/27, 09:56 AM
Charlie - why not look into 'functional' training - that type of training mimics activities that you specifically want to be more flexible/stronger for.
Just a thought. Good to see you around:) -------------- Within each of us lies the power of our consent to health and sickness, to riches and poverty, to freedom and to slavery. It is we who control these, and not another. Richard Bach |
2007/01/27, 03:03 PM
I'm googling it now Amy. Thanks Kiddo. Good to see you too.-------------- Sometimes life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2007/01/28, 12:31 AM
It is amazing, so many folks think that everyone in a gym is either a bodybuilder or a powerlifter. Lift for your needs, not anyone elses. Be strong, flexible and functional for your lifestyle. Amy gave you some excellent advice, I did not think of the term.-------------- "If it ain't broke, you aren't trying." |
2007/01/28, 12:59 AM
Definitly time to let form lag function. Seems I've lost my vanity.:big_smile:-------------- Sometimes life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2002/01/20 ![]() |
2007/01/28, 07:18 PM
Hi Charlie, Amy and Ron took the writing off my screen. Train for what you need to do. Don't just do training for the sake of training. Don't forget to put on knee pads when kneeling in the hull!-------------- A little discipline at the table and at the gym might help reduce that belly! Ivan Montreal Canada (City of Festivals) |
Joined: 2006/11/23 ![]() |
2007/02/01, 09:50 AM
This thread and the responses to it are why I enjoy this site so much!!
Charlie, hang in there, I know how starting to feel like you can't things you did in years past can get to you (my Dad is experiencing that now). And for fishing, I think I'd be willing and able to make whatever changes necessary!! Man, I sure miss catfishing the Mississippi River now!! Damn you Charlie!!! |
Joined: 2003/01/23 ![]() |
2007/02/04, 08:13 PM
Yo Charlie,
Retirement? What choo talkin' 'bout, Willis? At 37, you should be working hard and putting more money into Social Security so it'll be there when 29-year-old young-uns (like, ummm, ME) will have something to retire with. How you been, man?! I missed you folks. Sounds like great advice from the FT folks--as usual. No matter what though, Chuck, please tell me you won't resort to lifting 2 oz. cans of creamed pimentos while sitting on a deck chair and "breathing you way to a fitter you?!"LOL Sincerely sorry to hear about the pains. Misery loves company, my friend. I now have more pains than I have grey hairs--lets just leave it at that. Above all else, remember to laugh hard and often. I've found it to be the best medicine. Like I always say, I may have Alzhiemer's, but at least I don't have Alzhiemer's. TSMD |
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2007/02/04, 09:17 PM
holy crap!!! TSMD Sighting!-------------- Curl Jockeys, get outta the squat rack! I wish everyone would get a partial amnesia and never use 'tone' ever again. (thanks Menance) |
2007/02/05, 07:52 PM
SAAAXMANNNN!!!!!!! Dayum it's good to hear from you. I'm ok my brother. I got stuck in the bilge the other day changing spark plugs on the big twin 454s. I slithered around the bottom of the engine room and wedged myelf between the engine and the hull. This is 2 feet below the waterline and a tight space for my 6' 210 lb frame. I did the job and tried to back out. Put my foot on the house batteries for leverage and pulled myself towards freedom. My knee somehow got wedged against my chin and we took a bad wake which really jammed me in the hole. My wife had to crawl into the bilge and wiggle my foot till I could get my shin loosened up from my chin. This kind of thing is pretty typical living on a boat. I'm glad she was home.
Anyway, these kind of activities leave me sore and tired and I feel get to feeling my training is for naught. Thanks for the buck up bro. Come to Charleston and I'll take you fishin. -------------- Sometimes life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/01/23 ![]() |
2007/02/06, 07:43 PM
Chuck, it sounds like you owe Mrs. Chuck something special for Valentines Day.
Given the cold snap we're having in PA, and my work schedule, you don't know how tempting that fishing invite sounds! Maybe I can convince the Mrs. that 17 years is traditionally the "bait and tackle" anniversary?... Unfortunately, I'm shackled to my desk. And, no, it's not a kinky boss/secretary role play romp with Mrs. Saxman (although... I DO have multi-color Sharpies, rubber bands, binder clips, a leather padfolio....handcuffs, 200 feet of rope, and 4 gold fish.... Hmmmmmmm......). What was I saying...? Oh yes, "Dear Penthouse Forum, There I was feeding Dow and Jones (my pet goldfish) in my office when all of a sudden..." |
Joined: 2002/09/24 ![]() |
2007/02/06, 07:45 PM
saxman, good to see you on again...disappeared for a while there guy. :) Glad to see your humors still in tact.-------------- Bettia To be motivated, motivate others! |
Joined: 2003/01/23 ![]() |
2007/02/06, 07:52 PM
Hey RB!
How you doin'? I sure did miss you guys. I only poke my head in now and again just to say hi and say something stupid. I wish I could take the time to read and respond seriously to all the folks asking for help. I miss that. But hey, there's plenty of smart people on here that do that much better than I! SO, I'll continue to sneak in when you folks least expect it to add my usual off-topic drivel.... just so we don't take this TOO seriously. TSMD |
Joined: 2002/01/20 ![]() |
2007/02/06, 09:30 PM
Welcome back saxman!-------------- A little discipline at the table and at the gym might help reduce that belly! Ivan Montreal Canada (City of Festivals) |
Joined: 2002/09/15 ![]() |
2007/02/25, 03:05 PM
Have not been to the site for awhile but I am having the same issues that you are. I am 53 and have lifted weights fairly consistently since high school. Today I mostly play tennis and golf at a competitve level. I have arthritis and I am constantly dealing with joint pain and stiffness. Flexibility rather than strength is the one thing I concentrate on. I still lift weights some but have switched to a Total Trainer (better than a total gym at 1/3 the cost). I find that it gives me a reasonable pump while helping with flexibility issues at the same time. I also have started to do some yoga exercises which are helping. I find that the total trainer maintains my strength at a high level and it is easy and quick to use as well. Obviously, if building muscle is a goal, it is not the way to go. Good luck -------------- GRS |