Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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Im Very New To All This

Posts: 9
Joined: 2004/06/24
United States
2004/06/24, 12:37 PM
Im not sure how all this works...I dont go to a gym and I hope thats okay, i havent started this all yet but I guess I start monday coming up...I want to loose weight, like a lot...and get in shape and I dont know where to do cardio workout..because this website doesnt give you that option....I need help!!
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2004/06/24, 12:48 PM
Hello Britney and welcome to freetrainers. Take a look around the boards and you will see others doing the same as you and also see some success stories.
Since you don't go to a gym to train, your cardio can include anything like fast walking, swimming, skipping, steps (in the home or appartment) and of course running.
Feel free to ask anything you need to know and don't be shy.

"A will finds a way, failure is not an option"
Montreal Canada
Posts: 1,139
Joined: 2002/11/18
United States
2004/06/24, 02:23 PM
Welcome to FT, very supportive group, fire away at your questions I am sure someone out there will have the answers for you, just need support and a pat on the back, it is always there, good luck to you:)

Posts: 9
Joined: 2004/06/24
United States
2004/06/24, 07:29 PM
I have a tough time when it comes to food...haha, what person doesnt?...i like my fats...of course, but when im bored..i eat, it just wondering if anybody has any success stories to share with me to keep me motivated???:)
Posts: 2
Joined: 2004/06/24
United States
2004/06/25, 04:23 AM
When you get bored and want to eat, eat something other than fatty foods. It's me I know! Think about fruits and veggies throughout the day, convince yourself that's what you want to eat. I had to do that and now I crave yogurt, apples, and even WATER! Wow, yeah, that took some convincing. I'm a big fan of chocolate but I just convince myself otherwise on a daily basis. I hope this helps! :)

Posts: 166
Joined: 2004/06/09
2004/06/25, 07:41 AM
Hi bastians_babe,
The trick is to not get bored. I know exactly how you feel, I tend to munch if Im bored. Also when Im sitting down watching TV.

Im well on my way to losing about 100lb, this place is great for motivation. As long as you get up and do something as soon as you are feeling motivated, don't wait 'til later! I fall into that trap all the time.

A trick I learned is to wait. If you feel hungry and it's not time to eat, wait 15 minutes and have a glass of water, if you are still hungry then have a piece of fruit. A lot of times thirst is displayed as hunger.

Any exercise is good exercise when you first start out. Go for a brisk 20 minute walk, make sure you can still talk while walking. If you have a bike they are great for exercise. A half hour bike ride seems easier than a walk and is just as beneficial.

Break your meals up into 5 or 6 small meals a day, it improves your metabolism and also takes away the urge to snack. Most of all drink lots of water, 2L (I don't know the imperial measurement) a day, plus more if you are exercising.

Im truly sorry if this sounds anything like a lecture, I know how hard it was for me when I started out and just want to help. :big_smile:
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2004/05/28
United States
2004/06/25, 10:49 AM
As, DeeTee said, too, I think breaking up my meals helped enormously and drinking more water! I get less hungry now as I am eating more often rather than "snacking" AND eating huge meals! Take your calories you are planning on for the day and just divide them up into those 4-6 meals and see how that works for you. At first you may feel a bit hungrier after eating the smaller calorie meals, but I found I adjusted quicker than I thought (I always liked to eat BIG portion meals and snacks!). I also go for things that have more protein and eat carbs that are good. One of the first things I did was go grocery shopping in a whole new way - such as we have no white breads in the house now, we have less sugar items, etc. It is a habit I want all my family to get into for their own health. I have learned to LOVE a piece of chicken or good steak for one of my little meals, rather than stuffing my face with Little Debbies or something that goes straight to my rear end!

But, most importantly, find what you enjoy, both in foods that are good for you and in exercise. Stick with it by knowing that changes take time and be willing to deal with that and you will be well on your way to success!!

Good luck!

***When you are up to your ears in trouble, try using the part that is not submerged.
***The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.

Posts: 9
Joined: 2004/06/24
United States
2004/06/25, 11:27 AM
thank you guys so much, your all such a wonderful help...Im really looking forward to getting my body back, and hopefully this time around it'll be even better:)...