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In Home Training help.

Posts: 114
Joined: 2006/09/26
United States
2006/11/03, 06:42 AM
So I'm on week 4 of the In Home Training. Usually by now, I would be able to view the next week to see what would be changing in the sense of the workout. However, it's not allowing me to see the next week.

Am I going to have to upgrade and pay in order to be able to continue this workout?

100 lbs. to lose
Posts: 3,249
Joined: 2006/05/19
United States
2006/11/03, 08:22 AM must be a could write to george,one of the could look for his post,I know there is one in this forum...just look for a post from George and send him an instant message and tell him the problem,he's good about getting back with people.If things don't work out and you can't get a hold of george...just repeat what you've done or the last 4 weeks...did you print the workouts??Hope it works out...and it's nice to see a picture poohguy!!!:)
Posts: 114
Joined: 2006/09/26
United States
2006/11/07, 07:58 AM
I'm still using the previous four week's program, however, I sent George a message but got no reply.

Anyone else have a suggestion?