2007/04/22, 03:11 PM
Hello! :-)
after a long and unfortunate break. I restarted working out 2 weeks ago, however on different objectives (more motivation then ever, heh) and so on and so on.. ANYWAYS! here are my questions in which I thought would be very very interesting to discuss for those items are ment to be healthy but healthy for what and under what circumstances:
1. Lentils; Known to consist about 23% of protein. What Protein, Soya Proteins. Veggi Prots are any good ? if I take that within some meals would I technically have to substitude the prots or would I just calculated as a healthy carb no matter what prots it's got in it ? I been eating Lentils for weeks, love the stuff but not quite sure if it's as good as brown rice, pasta etc..., Can I even Substitude lentils for carbs ? I'm confused.
2. Advocado!!!: Lots have posted on different recipies for advocados such as Guacamole, etc.. it appears to be rich in B vits and contain some interesting fats... What Fat ? would someone trying to loose weight be adviced to such item ? and if so, how much, 1, 2 , 3 a week ?
I think i'm done :-) , Thanks for all your help in advance. I think I just screwed up my entire diet I'm just trying to find out where I've messed up.
Cheers, r3wt