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Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/05/13, 04:52 PM
Good Day people.
I will attempt to condense my problem of being skinny in a brief fashion. My name is Donny, I'm 22 years of age and i weigh 145 lbs. I love hanging out with friends, playing video games, reading and making music; you know, human things. For most of my life I've been overly self-aware of my physical build and i've done all that i can to gain weight. Why do i hate being skinny? for what exact reasons? Let me conjure a few.. 1.Being skin 'n bones debilitates my self esteem. 2.This pencil-neck ain't helpin 3.shirts don't look good me, just accentuates my ectomorphism and i haven't worn shorts since '99. 4. I believe besides a great and funny personality most females crave, they also crave for a man with a good physical build. A huggable build-A build that embraces their utmost feelings when you're squeezing gently- a build that would support her head if she was laying on you, something like a teddy bear build. I love women, but they aren't attracted to me. They say "You cute n all, but, you kinda skinny". Whatta drag 5. Can't take my shirt off at the beach w/o getting laughed at and clowned on, by both boys and girls. ----------- Now, the wisest thing I've done so far, is that I've taken the initiative to peruse this internet in search of peers with related matters. I've read a ton of advice, I've read many of those * HELPPP!!! I'M SKINNY AND WANA GAIN WEIGHT!* type threads. In many of them, People suggest so many things as if they're so many possibilities to gain weight, but i believe a certain routine is highly dependent on many personal factors such as genetics and metabolism. I get many answers ranging from * I take creatine, weight gainer, work out, etcc* to * Eat a lot! eet eet ett like your life depends on it! go for the hailmary!*. People please clarify a general routine for ecotomorphs that would allow them to gain weight. I DON'T NECESSARILY want to gain muscle, i actually want to gain a combo of fat and muscle. People say to EAT! but, EAT WHAT? please clarify some good carb- protein-high calorie breakfast lunch and dinner meals. I Don't Do well with the weight gainer crap- A while ago, my moms boyfriend felt my desire of wanting to gain weight, so he recommended some weight gainer. He said that it worked for him and he swore by it. So, we went to GNC and he bought me a Big ole bucket of powder! yay! I felt really inspired to gain weight. I was eating right, taking the weight gainer and working out. each time i drunk the gainer i had the runs for days. Didn't really feel good. Soooo.... my body doesn't react well to the drinks, or maybe i was drinking them too frequently? So in a nutshell, what are some good high calorie meals( inexpensive) you all would recommend? Eating seems like the only other alternative. I lift weights but i don't like right ripped toned and skinny with my rubs and chest plate showing. Better yet, what do y'all recommend me do? Thanks! |
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Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/05/13, 04:56 PM
There are some typos in there, but if you all can, please try to make sense of them.
Thanks,. |
Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/05/13, 04:59 PM
err, forgot to say that i'm 6'1. How do i edit my posts?
Joined: 2008/05/03 |
2008/05/13, 10:55 PM
Well man, all I can say is I sympathize with you. I'm heavily ectomorphic myself... though I lucked out and was blessed with broad shoulders. I got a lot of girls because I could sing and play guitar in highschool and college, but I know the feeling when it's obvious that people think you have chicken legs. First off, I'd recommend ditching "friends" that are petty enough to judge you by your physical appearance, but that's really a personal call on your part. As far as the weight gaining, it's gonna be rough, especially being young. I'm 22 myself and 6' tall, and I have been able to make more gains, but still nothing that compares to those true mesomorphs out there who curl a beer once and go up a shirt size. You're going to have to adjust your eating habits to have a steady intake of both carbs and protein. I'd recommend eating 6 meals a day of moderately portioned foods. Is it tough? Hell yes... I did it for the better part of a year. On top of that, you're going to want to find a protein shake that your body won't reject. It sounds like you may have had a mild allergy to one of the ingredients in the weight gainer you tried. Having several severe allergies myself to various things, it wouldn't hurt to have tests done by your doctor (or even go to an allergy specialist). If you're allergic to whey, then you'll have to look into alternatives. Also, make sure your protein intake is about 1.5g per pound of bodyweight. Now for the workout... go for the heavy weights and low reps for overall mass gains. Also, compound movements (military press, bench press, dead-lifts, squats) are gonna work multiple major muscle groups as well as strengthening and conditioning the lesser muscle groups that stabilize your body during movements. Later on, you're gonna wanna work on endurance and such on top of heavy lifts to get a really great balance of muscle strength and endurance, but to start off... stick with a plan that brings you in slowly (moderate to high reps easing into lower reps with heavier weight). The programs on this site can help you with that. Also, I'd stay away from machines as this will set you up for failure later on. We ectomorphs don't exactly have a whole lot of muscle and bone mass to work with for support, so by lifting free-weights you're training your body to support the load. DON'T OVERDO IT! You could seriously hurt yourself... your legs might be able to squat 250, but your core might only be able to stand 125 until it catches up. Machines are only gonna help you cheat your way out of that, and it's not going to help you in the long haul. Now, all of this information isn't going do anything for you without two major things... commitment and consistency. If you lack both of those... if you slack off here and there.. it'll hurt you more than most because you're already at a disadvantage for getting size. It's a slippery slope to the bottom, so you're best bet (until you've been doing this for a while and you're at the point where you crave working out and it becomes habitual and a lifestyle) it's best to just never slip. Don't take that day off because you don't feel good... go in and throw up half the weight you did the week before if that's all you can do, but at least do something to keep the pattern and pace up. Good luck with your efforts! Hope this helped... it was nothing original, but rather bits and pieces condensed into one reading. :D Semper fi, Dave |
Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/05/14, 09:51 AM
Thanks for replying!
So i see what i must do. So your advice wouldn't be to just eat eat and eat? i am definitely committed but i would like to know what are some good foods to eat throughout those proportions of 6 meals. I just had a revelation and figured out the reason why the weight gainer was making me go to the bathroom.. PERHAPS BECAUSE I ALWAYS MIXED IT WITH MILK! What weight gainer/ protein shake do you recommend? |
Joined: 2008/05/15 |
2008/05/15, 06:21 AM
Dave that was a really great post. I've got some recommendations myself. I would say that you should definitely do a body weight routine once a week though rather then just lifting heavy weights 3 times a week. Would also recommend alot of variations in your routine to keep it interesting. It's helped me stick to my routine. I'm going on 3 months of working out consistently now. I started off twice a week to ease into it. Now I'm doing 3 full body weight lifting/body weight workout sessions a week(I workout at home so use all dumbells/body weight excercises) and over the past month have added in every other day some cardio, I go for all around fitness rather then just gaining weight. But over the past three months have gone from 13% body fat and 148 lbs to 9% body fat and 162 lbs and am still slowlyg gaining weight, I'm 6'1 btw. I recommend taking a multivitamin, protein shake before and after working out(I recommend NOW whey protein isolate, it's cheap and 100% whey protein isolate), glucosamine, glutamine, hmb, zma, and nitric oxide. I am a REALLY hard weight gainer, for me to be above 160 lbs in 3 months is absolutely amazing, i LOSE weight when i stop working out. Also I try to take in about 4000 calories a day.
Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/05/15, 11:15 AM
Hi! thanks docksideguy.
So, what i've gathered from the two posts is that its good and well to eat 6 times a day, i can handle that. BUT WHAT ARE SOME FOOD RECOMMENDATIONS? something i can go to the grocery store and find with lots of calories, carbs, protein? I have some dumbells and a curl bar, i could also do push ups and situps, and squats with what i have until i can buy more heavier weights. 1.Can someone recommend a good PROTEIN, or weight GAINER shake that i can order online? 2.Dockside you say you try to take in 4000 calories a day, what do you eat? do you eat 6 times a day? how much food per plate? |
Joined: 2008/05/15 |
2008/05/15, 10:42 PM
I, although it's not recommended by most; eat only about four times a day and they're huge meals.
Joined: 2008/05/15 |
2008/05/15, 10:24 PM
1. If you goto you can order muscletech protein here's a link I've talked to alot of people who recommend muscletech. last time i was actually in a gnc store they had a buy one get one free on one of the muscletech proteins so you can get 2 months worth for 75 bucks with a gold card. I personally use I think it's called NOW whey protein isolate. It's 100% whey protein isolate which is the purest form of whey protein you can get. Fitness isn't an exact science though, everyone's different, some people have to tweak different stuff so i can't tell you the "best" kind.
2. I goto chipotle, subway, and quiznos alot. A chipotle burrito bowl without the rice and double beans is a great source of calories and protein. It's high in sodium though. Eat alot of whole grains, Chicken, Fish, Beef, Nuts, Avocado, you want to keep it at about 35% protein, 40% carbs, and the rest healthy fats like you get from avocado, nuts, olive oil. If you watch what you eat you should gain lean muscle mass. I usually take about 75 grams of protein a day in with my protein shakes. I try to hit about the 200 gram mark each day |
Joined: 2008/05/15 |
2008/05/15, 10:28 PM
Also you should try checking out they've got TONS of info that you can look through. i'm stuck at work doing 12 hour shifts on a computer 3 or 4 days a week and i just research everything imaginable on there. I'm an avid reader
Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/05/16, 11:10 AM
Thanks man.:)
Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/05/16, 12:15 PM
As a hardgainer that broke that mold I'll give some adivce that I used and it worked. If you don't care about fat gain I have the best thing for you. Eat like everyone says and lift smart. The time that you grow the muscles are out of the gym. I would say do a monday wednesday friday split full body every muscle.
I did it and my first month I gained 25 lbs not all muscle but I did get very noticeably bigger. Its not the healthiest thing mind you but if your sick of having a slight breeze blow you down look into what i did. 5,000-6,000 calorie diet. Eat anything high in calories but try to not eat high in fat or cholesterol thats what I did not caring but I'm hoping it doesn't mess me up later on in life. things high in calories are bread whole milk cheese meat lean meat chicken breasts steak pork fish is really good for you you can read the calorie content on everything protien is also in peanut butter. The pbj diet with tuna fish sandwhiches thrown in occasionally. Pasta is high in calories i used to eat untill i literally was almost sick but still choked it down. You know you gain a lot when people ask you if your using roids!!! workout. mon wed fri like this mon squat 1 set of ten reps as much weight you can do so on the tenth rep your barely getting it up. Same thing with bench one set ten reps but get a spotter. then leg extensions then leg curls then pull ups. I'd throw dead lifts in there too. practically hit every muscle with one really good set. includes biceps triceps calves traps lats glutes etc. Stay away from machines. Free weights are better!! I went from 165 lbs and 5'8 to 212 and 5'8 yes I had pudge and a belly but guess what I'm chisseling that down now. haha you dont need supplements untill you plateu get rid of the idea of taking shakes. I hate them and they make me sick and it seems that looks to be the same with you. Shakes and all supplements are supposed to put you over the top when you plateu give you that extra oomph. Also post workout meals are key you need to eat after working out within 45 minutes to feed your body that is very important because the body is in a calorie craving state if you don't eat the body could canabalise and break down the muscle which is what you obviously do not want. Mine this was when I was working overnights id get out of the gym at say 8 am go to burger king get like three breakfast sandwhiches and some chocolate milke. Sometimes a tripple whopper with cheese and bacon with med fries and drink. Thats like over 1700 calories right there. Just my personal experience. I'm 23 I'm 5'8 204 now since im toning down and stronger then I have ever been. You can do it. |
Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/05/17, 05:13 PM
Hmm, thats weird.. My name is Null and i have 867 posts?
Joined: 2008/05/15 |
2008/05/17, 05:42 PM
I think that the mass gainer program that they have listed on here if you choose that your goal is to bulk up looks like a really good program if you stick to it. I personally workout at home so I'm tweaking the excercises so all of them use dumbells. I bought a 40 pound dumbell set from excercera for like 40 bucks and an adjustable flat bench and I can do my whole body. Instead of normal squats i do one legged squats w my other foot on the bench behind me and hold 80 pounds in my hands. I also bought some extra 10 lb plates to go on those dumbells(they're adjustable) I can get up to 80 lbs on one dumbell but I'm going to go get some 25 lb plates shortly when I get the money.
As for when to take the protein, take a half a serving of your shake about an hour before you workout and then a full serving after you workout. Make sure that after the workout you don't wait more then 30 mins to drink it. I usually take my after workout shower and then take my protein otherwise I get sick to my stomach. I don't personally keep a journal, I just eat healthy clean foods til im full 5-6 times a day. I've kind of guesstimated how many calories i take in and judging by my weight gain my guesstimate is pretty accurate. |
Joined: 2008/05/03 |
2008/05/21, 02:21 PM
Sorry, back for round 2.
You've got a lot of good options out there for cheap food. Unfortunately, I can't keep up the diet while I'm over here... but here's what you can do for cheap meals. 1. Whole grain breads. They're very good for you for both nutrients and carbs. 2. Lean chicken breast- toss it on a George Forman grill with some spices on top or just pour on your favorite sauce afterwards and you've got yourself an almost instant lean high protein food. Plus, you can cook up 6 breasts at a time and then throw em in the fridge for later. 3. Raw fruits and vegatables. More nutrients, filling, natural sugars and starches, no cooking, and once again... cheap. 4. Brown/long grain rice- super filling, super easy, and super cheap source or carbs. Can be flavored with some seasonings like curry... goes great with chicken breasts. Be easy on the seasoning though... Just sort of mix and match while keeping your portions proportionate to the recommended daily servings. You're going to feel stuffed for the first week you start eating like this, and that's natural. After a while your body will adjust and you'll crave each meal (especially if you miss one). You can go for a meal made of your protein shake every day. You'll find that you can mike it up some (try some fruit/peanut butter combinations). If it was the protein giving you problems, go for an isolate protein. Think of it as the prime rib whereas cheaper whey is like 3 dollar Wal-Mart steak. Some disagree with me, but I had the best luck with protein and vitamins 2-3 hours before bed. You build your body back while you sleep... and with your water intake being significantly less while you sleep and your bladder being less active, I would assume you're passing less of those vitamins in your urine (which helps when you're taking centrum and other designer vitamins... they don't absorb into your bloodstream as well as organic vitamins). Bodyweight (or as we call em, prison style...) workouts are good for endurance and once you reach a level of strength and mass you're comfortable with. Once you get to that point, try some Crossfit or Gym Jones for some real ass-kickers. But remember, nothing of this means anything without commitment and consistency! You still have to get out there and do it yourself! All those weights in the gym don't lift themselves... Semper Fi, Dave |
Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/05/24, 06:50 PM
Joined: 2008/05/15 |
2008/05/29, 08:20 PM
Hey all, just wanted to tell you all that in the two weeks that I've been following the mass gaining program on here(including the nutrition program) I've gained about 4 more lbs. If I keep up this pace I'll hit my goal weight in 7 weeks, well before the end of my training program =)
Joined: 2008/05/13 |
2008/07/08, 07:34 PM
Congratulations dude! Thats great to hear, you really sound dedicated and you seem to stick to your program. I kinda had lost focus and became preoccupied with other things thats why i haven't posted in quite some time. However, i just acquired a job and while I'll be able to support my future eating habits I'm not quite sure which days to work out and which days i should rest. I also acquired the chocolate flavored Body Fortress Whey Protein for only 12 bucks, so I'm looking forward to its assistance. I just worry myself about me crapping myself on the job from taking the stuff. I would mix it with water but I'm not too fond of water-based protein shakes. So maybe you all could give some insight on which days i should work out and take the whey, and which days i shouldn't ( keep in mind i don't want to have the runs at my job :) I'm required to work from thurs-mon, from 2 pm- 10pm, they might be change'n my schedule to mon-fri, 8 am- 5 pm. so keep that in mind too. Thanks! |
Joined: 2008/05/15 |
2008/07/09, 09:10 PM
hey thanks donny =) I'd recommend working out from 12-1 or 12:30-1:30 depending on where you workout and how long it takes you to get ready for your job. whatever time you decide to workout just try to be consistent. I workout everyday from 2:30-3:30 or 4 then leave my house by about 5:15 to goto work. workout at the same time on my days off. it's just easier to build the habit if i keep it the same time of day everyday so I just do it when i wake up and treat it like a business meeting and won't change it for anyone or anything. as for the protein powder i'd suggest just taking it after you get off work. eat a chicken breast before and after your workout with a glass of milk or something if you're worried about runs. maybe a bowl of brown rice or make it a sandwich also.