Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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Introducing myself ... any tips?

Posts: 1
Joined: 2004/03/09
United States
2004/03/09, 09:36 PM
Hi as my profile says I am trying to better myself one subject at a time. For this year it is my weight and strength. Last year it was my mind and my Bachelors Degree. If anyone has any tips (such as how to use the nutritional plan easier than inputing everything under the sun), I will appreciate it. Hopefully I can find some all over training exercises that do many areas aerobically at once to minimize the amount of time I need to spend in the morning on exercises. I remember the 20 minute workout from the 80's had an awesome workout and I am looking for the tapes if anyone has them. I lost 85 pounds on them years ago.
Hi all and I hope to make some new friends here!
Time to begin!

The only one who can change you is you.
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2004/03/10, 09:22 AM
welcome, cinbad!

search thorugh the baords here for info you are needing, there is a search engine at the bottom of the screen called it buddy, type in a word or subject and see what you come up with.

Many people wish it was easier to use the nutrition plan, it pretty much boils down to spending some time entering the foods you eat the most so that they are there when you want to enter them. I think if you enter what you eat once a week or twice a week to get an idea of where your calories are and try to eat the same basic amounts daily, you will do alright. I also find it useful to jot down what i eat in a notebook. Sometimes I go back and enter a days worth to see how many calories, etc, I had that day. Once you figure out how much to eat and stay consistent with it, you really don't have to track it every day.

Look at the programs here - i know there are some total body ones that are quick, see if there is one that is appealing to you!

Keep on striving to improve yourself in all areas!!!

"To be able to go to the gym and train hard is a joy and a privelege, even though the hard work necessitates driving yourself through considerable discomfort. Savor this privelege and blessing, and revel in it."
Stuart McRobert, Beyond Brawn
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2004/03/10, 12:22 PM
welcome to the community cinbad! There are several different exercise videos, tapes etc that you can do to help condition your body well. It is just a matter of prefernce, what types of things you like to do. asimmer suggested a great tool in using the search engine for specific topic you might like to research. Good luck!

Bettia.... The secret of getting ahead is getting started.