2001/06/30, 12:01 PM
when doing the 12 week mass. is it ok if you cant get the last rep up? like say it says to get 6 and you only get 5, if this a problem?
2001/06/30, 10:26 PM
Try and get someone to spot you for that last set. If you can get 5 out of 6 reps,especially if 6 is a partial then you need to have someone help you get that last rep. ON the other hand if you can't find someone then keep working at that weight with either a little "cheat" and resisted let down to help with muscle growth. Don't back off on your weight.
2001/07/01, 07:49 AM
No problem, you are doing it right as long as you give 110% with each set. Don't let your muscles tell you "you can't" - Mind over mater is a powerful tool. When you can only do say 3 out of 6 you need to look at the kind of weight being used. Plus, never just stop at 6 if you can do a few more as you need to get the muscle to failure for good growth.
2001/07/01, 10:56 AM
sfisher is right. As long as you reached failure with the 5th rep, you've acomplished the desired goal...especially since your not that far off...
2001/07/01, 11:18 AM
thanks boys