2009/04/17, 03:20 PM
Well, her ultrasound came back normal, and the NP I saw on Wednesday was different from who I had seen before. Right away she said it was classic symptoms of infant GERD, and that we have been doing everything right so far(feeding with her propped, keeping her propped afterwards, and elevating the head of her bassinet, lots of burping ect.) and since she was still miserable to go see a Gastrointerology Specialist to get a prescription for an antacid that will work for her. She also told us to try putting rice cereal in Sydneys bottle(it helps keep the formula from coming back up into the esophegus**sp**). Low and behold, I have a different child. We put 1tbs of cereal in a 5oz bottle with a stage 2 nipple, and my baby is eating 3-4.5oz(thats A LOT for her) and...wait for it....sleeping. During the day. With minimal fussing compared to before. She is still doing some coughing/gagging, but not near as much as before. Thank God!!