2010/07/19, 10:33 PM
Never been into weights much, now that I'm 47 I figure I'd give them a try. I am 5' 7" and was as low as 145.5lbs but up to 152 or so, I came from 188lbs. Went from sixe 38 waist and now into 30in. I started taking creatine along with multivitamins from GNC and protein shakes and I eat fruits and veggies, nothing fast food or fried, lil meat too.
I started out loosing weight using the wiifit and had so much fun I decided to pick up the pace and found the joy of kettlebells, I also got a bowflex, one of the old ones and a body by jake ab scissors. I just finished 6 week kettle worx workout and now starting bowfles to add some mass I guess, feels weird to putt on weight after lossing but I know its water and mucle mostly. So is it good to switch routines like I am going from lean mucsle mass via kettlebells and then doing like 6 weeks of bowflex doing a bodybuilding routine? I smashed my claves so bad doing seated calve raises that I can literally barely walk! Ouch.
Well thanks for any input, I would appreciate it. Blessings, Dean