2001/11/05, 05:51 PM
hey just a question i have concerning leg exercises. whenever i do machine leg curls my lower legs and calves feel like lead when i'm doing them. i think i might have to adjust my equipment but i'm not sure if i can or how to do that. any suggestions with what i'm doing wrong?
2001/11/06, 12:04 AM
Where is the lower pad resting ..on you ankle ? calf ? Is the bench totally flat or a slight decline for the upper body ? When you say feels like lead could you be more specific.. is the weight too heavy..what are you using?
2001/11/06, 07:40 AM
when i'm laying on my stomach the pad is higher than my ankles, somewhere around my calves but i dunno if i can adjust it. also the bench is slightly declined. the weight isn't too heavy, i use about 35-40 lbs. its just that i feel i'm using my lower legs more than my hamstrings. my calves get so tight, whereas i hardly feel like i'm using my hammies.
2001/11/06, 08:16 AM
You need to adjust the machine! The pad should not be one your calf! Get some help (if at a gym) and adjust the machine. If at home see if someone (husbands boyfriends are good) modify it. If all else fails pick another hamstring exercise...Standing & seated leg curls & stiff leg deadlift.Let me know how you make out.
2001/11/06, 08:36 AM
Just an other thing too. Itroisi has everything right, but also make sure of warming up your legs with some cardio before using weights. Warm up, stretch, adjust the machine and then it should be okey.
2001/11/06, 09:16 PM
i checked with people about my equipment ( @ home) and it can't be adjusted. so that sucks for me, but what other exercises are there to replace machine leg curls?
2001/11/06, 09:41 PM
Got an incline leg press? Or how about lunges onto a 4" step....stiff leg deadlifts...dumbell lying hamstring curls. This one is tricky cuz you put the DB between your feet while you are curl (same motion as your machine)be carefull not to drop the DB on your bum!! Good luck.
2001/11/06, 10:07 PM
ltroisi thanx so much!